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a couple of years, this village was  renamed Natal
                                                                                and the area between there and Michel became the
                                                                                informal  community  of Middletown. By 1920 the
                                                                                community of Michel-Natal, running the length of the
                                                                                valley, reached its peak population of 2,000 but this
                                                                                decreased during the depression years. Over the next
                                                                                four  decades the  valley  suffered  a  major  fire  at  the
                                                                                Michel Collieries, and in 1967 an explosion at Balmer
                                                                                North killed 15 and injured 10 men.
                                                                                  Now a panorama of scenic splendor greets visitors
                                                                                to  Sparwood.  The  rich  coal  fields  in  the  area  are
                                                                                surrounded by the towering ranges of the Canadian
                                                                                Rockies. Environmental programs have enhanced the
                                                                                natural habitat of the wildlife in the valley.
                                                                                  Highways 93 and 3; 50 miles north of Kingsgate
                                                                                  Port of Entry; 240 miles to Calgary. Population:
                                                                                  20,000.  Visitor  Information:  Cranbrook
                                                                                  Chamber of Commerce, 2279 Cranbrook Street
                                                                                  North;  Phone: (800) 222-6174; Website: www.
                                                             Rocky Mountains near Fernie, BC  Location: Highways 95 & 93; 12 miles south
                                                                                  of Radium Hot Springs; 12 miles  north of
      trail into areas still inhabited by descendants of the   Sparwood           Fairmont Hot Springs; 98 miles from Cranbrook.
      aboriginal  peoples  that  first  made  these  vast  lands                  Population:  3500.  Visitor  Information:
                                                                                  Phone: (250) 342-2844;  Website: www.
      their home.                            Location: Highway 3 & 43; approximately 18
        Stewart-Cassiar Hwy 37 links the community of   km west of the BC/Alberta border; 29 km north
      Kitwanga to the Alaska Highway just north of Watson   of Fernie; 129 km northeast of Cranbrook. Area   Fernie
      Lake, Yukon. It provides either an alternate route   Population: 4,200. Visitor Information Centre:
      north into the Yukon and  Alaska, or a circle tour   adjacent to Hwy 3 at 141 Aspen Drive; Phone:   Location: Highway 3; 30 miles from the Alberta
      route for those intrepid travelers who want to see and   (877) 485-8185; Visitor Information: Sparwood   border, 55 miles east of Cranbrook, 74 miles
      experience all the wonders that Northern BC has to   Chamber  of Commerce,  PO Box 1448,   west of Pincher Creek, 40 miles from Roosville
      offer.                                 Sparwood, BC  V0B 2G0; Phone: (250) 425-  (Canadian/USA border station). Population:
                                             2423; Email: administrator@sparwoodchamber.  5,000.  Area Population: 12,000.  Visitor
      Roosville                    ; Website:     Information  Centre:  right  off  Hwy  #3  at  102
                                                                                  Commerce Road, Fernie, B.C. V0B lM0; Phone:
        Location:  On Highway 93, 13 kms (7 miles)   The  Kootenay  remained  undisturbed  in the  Elk   (250) 423-6868; Email: visitors@ferniechamber.
        south of Grasmere, BC at the US border.  Valley until 1873 when the first white man, Michael   com; Website:
                                           Phillipps, traversed Crowsnest Pass.  In 1882 Dr.
        Roosville is the shared name of the Canadian and   George Dawson came  into  the valley to research   Located in one of the most beautiful parts of the
      Montanan ports of entry on Highway 93, near Lake   the extent of the coal deposits reported by Phillipps.    Canadian  Rockies,  Fernie  offers  a  wide  range  of
      Koocanusa at the southeast corner of the Tobacco   In 1898 the community of Michel was established   attractions. Coal development was the backbone to
      Plains Indian Reserve.  The Roosville border   for housing the miners who came  to work these   Fernie’s historical population and economic growth,
      crossing is a primary entry into Southeast BC and   coal  deposits. Within  five  years  the  population  had   with skiing and outdoor recreation industries now
      is open 24/7, sometimes experiencing heavy traffic   increased to over 500.  competing to be the biggest players in the local
      delays. The Tobacco Plains duty free store is open   In 1907 the  subdivision  of New Michel  was   economy.
      every day.                           created a mile west of the original town site. Within   A self-guided walking tour of historic Fernie is
                                                                                available and features fine examples of late Victorian
                                                                                gothic architecture.  The Historic Downtown also
                                                                                provides great dining and shopping adventures.
                                                                                  Enjoy world-class skiing at the Fernie Alpine Resort,
                                                                                receiving 15 feet of snow annually and renowned for
                                                                                its fabulous powder conditions. During the summer
                                                                                months, the resort offers scenic interpretive meadow
                                                                                strolls through 500 year-old cedar forests alive with
                                                                                local flora and fauna.
                                                                                  The area has the largest concentration of big game
                                                                                animals in North America and offers excellent fishing
                                                                                and water sports. A championship 18-hole golf course
                                                                                provides  challenging  world-class  golfing.  Hiking,
                                                                                mountain biking, snowmobiling, cross country skiing,
                                                                                wildlife viewing, camping and white-water activities
                                                                                all combine to make Fernie a haven of outdoor
                                                                                adventure opportunity.
                                                                                  Coal was discovered in the Crows Nest area of
                                                                                Southeastern British Columbia more than 100 years
                                                                                ago by prospectors looking for gold. William Fernie
                                                                                reported a major coal discovery in 1897 which led to
                                                                                the formation of the Crows Nest Pass Coal Company.
                                                                                The mining community which emerged the same year
                                                                                was named Fernie in honor of the miner whose efforts
                                                                                helped to establish the new industry.  According to
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