Page 77 - Travel Guide Experience Alaska Edition
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state of the art meeting facility, housing the Historical
Museum, Copper River Art Gallery, performing arts
theater, lecture halls, library and City Hall. Displays
tell of early explorers to the area, the Native culture,
Copper River Northwestern Railway/Kennicott Mine
era, and the growth of the commercial fishing industry.
A small gift shop featuring books of local interest
and other items is operated by the Cordova Historical
Society, which also sponsors monthly evening
For a novel type of camping, try out the Cape St.
Elias light station. The best way to get there is by flying
with a charter company from Cordova. Lodging at the
Cape is rustic, with no electricity or running water.
Located just two miles north of Cordova, the Orca
Cannery complex consists of 28 buildings and features
built for commercial fish processing, half of which
date from 1910 to 1945. A cannery town originally
built in the 1880s, Orca has recently been rebuilt into
Alaska’s finest adventure destination. While retaining
its historical flavor, Orca Adventure Lodge has full
amenities to offer the most discerning guest. Each
of the forty rooms has great ocean views. The chef
and crew cook up delectable delights in the cannery
cookhouse next door, while great guides offer unique
and safe excursions into the wilds of Alaska. Whittier Tunnel
Behind the facility, you can watch nesting bald photo by:
eagles or wander the beach to see resident sea otters VC TRAVEL GUIDE
play. Exciting activities await: skiing, hiking, wildlife
photography, boating, ocean kayaking, sport fishing,
flight seeing and more. Airport and town shuttle are every day and invites the public to view a tribute to or toll free (877) 611-2586, or listen to AM 530 radio
available. Alaska’s legends. in Whittier or AM 1610 in Portage. Website: www.
Whittier offers public and RV campgrounds, picnic
ALASKA MARINE HIGHWAY areas, groceries/fishing supplies, motels, laundromat,
gasoline, restaurants and gift shops. Visitors enjoy the Columbia Glacier
Travel the Alaska Marine Highway System from
Whittier hiking, berry picking, bird and wildlife watching. Valdez to Whittier and you will experience the Columbia
Anton Anderson Memorial Tunnel
Location: Access by rail, sea, air or by the Portage The Anton Anderson Memorial Tunnel opened to Glacier enroute. The vessel will slow down so you can get
Glacier Highway; 45 road miles from Anchorage; highway traffic in June of 2000 and for the first time, a long look at the largest tidewater glacier in Southcentral
12 rail miles from Portage; Alaska Marine Highway both automobile and trains traveled through this 2.5- Alaska. The US Forest Service on board provides a
“Fast Ferry” service between Valdez, Cordova and mile tunnel to Whittier. Opening the tunnel fulfilled narration on the sight. Columbia Glacier’s face rises
Whittier. Population: 222. Visitor Information: Alaska’s long held vision of better access to Whittier 250 feet from the sea and spans three miles across the
City of Whittier; Phone (907) 472-2327. and beautiful Prince William Sound. bay. This river of ice flows to the sea from the Chugach
The renovation of the Anton Anderson Memorial Mountains and blankets an area over 400 square miles.
The city of Whittier, fondly referred to as “the Tunnel was a landmark effort. It is the longest Glaciers are often a deep blue color because as
strangest town in Alaska,” is an historical landmark highway tunnel and the longest combined rail- sunlight passes through the ice, it’s broken up into its
established by the US Army during World War II. highway use tunnel in North America. It is the first many inherent colors and energy wavelengths. Red and
The Whittier railroad to Portage was completed in tunnel in the United States to use both jet and portal yellow have very little energy and the thick ice soaks
1943 and became the primary debarkation point for fans in its ventilation system and the first tunnel with them up readily. The blue light has enough extra energy
cargo, troops and families of the Alaska Command. a computerized traffic-control system to regulate both to escape from the ice crystals without being absorbed.
The military remained active in the area until 1960 rail and highway traffic. In addition, the tunnel is Some glaciers don’t look blue. If there are a lot of air
at which time the total population was 1,200. Today, designed to operate in temperatures down to -40˚ F bubbles inside the ice, the sunlight isn’t soaked up, but
fewer than 300 people reside in the town, supporting and in winds up to 150 mph. reflected back to our eyes. Or if the light can pass through
the Alaska State Ferry, Alaska Hydro Train, tank Because the tunnel that accommodates both the ice without all the rainbow colors being scattered, the
farm, small boat harbor and tourism. vehicles and trains is one way, vehicles have to wait ice will look white. Glaciers often pick up soil, rocks,
Whittier can be accessed on the Alaska Marine their turn to go through. Much like the Alaska Marine snow and dirt that mix with the ice, which can then take
Highway from Valdez, with Princess Tours Highway System, a staging area is used at both ends on a dirty gray color.
Motorcoach from Anchorage or by driving the of the tunnel for vehicles to line up for the next change
Portage Glacier Highway. The town also has an 1100- of directions. In general, only a 15-minute period is Prince William Sound
foot gravel airstrip and 350-slip small boat harbor. required. Times noted on the schedule indicate when Prince William Sound, named by Captain James
Wildlife viewing is an attraction which includes vehicles will be released from a particular staging Cook to honor the third son of King George III, is home
many varieties of birds, sea otters, seals, whales, sea area. to temperate old growth rain forest, unique geology and
lions, porpoises, mountain goats, deer and bear. The Vehicle Size Limitations: Ensuring the safety geography, an incredible wealth of marine and land
area is a photographer’s paradise offering stunning of tunnel users is the top priority. To that end, the wildlife, and a rich and varied history.
views of glaciers and waterfalls. Kayak rentals and size of vehicles that can pass through the tunnel is Long exploited for its resources, the Sound still
sightseeing cruises through Prince William Sound limited. Under normal operations, the following are offers a pristine vision of seemingly untouched beauty.
are available in Whittier. Charter boat operators and the maximum of vehicles allowed to use the tunnel: The generally wet climate and heavy snows of winter
private fishing boats can be located at the small boat • Maximum of 10 feet wide (excluding mirrors) maintain the forest and with its significant tides, the
harbor. • Maximum of 14 feet high shores are continually cleansed. Any overt and lingering
The Prince William Sound Museum opened in • Maximum of 75 feet long signs of the devastating Exxon Valdez oil spill in 1989
2005 with exhibits showcasing the history of Whittier, The tunnel has daily operating hours and a toll will only be seen by an experienced eye. Recreationists
Anton Anderson Memorial Tunnel, Alaska Railroad, fee is charged. The 2004 opening of the tunnel to and naturalists with varied interests can explore the
Alaska Steamship Company, World War II and the pedestrian traffic attracted nearly 500 people! more than 3,500 miles of coastline on their own or by
Cold War in Alaska. Located in the Anchor Store For information on hours and restrictions, call tour. Whittier, Cordova and Valdez are served by Alaska
Building in downtown Whittier, the Museum is open Tunnel Information at (907) 566-2244 in Anchorage Marine’s Fast Ferry.