Page 80 - Travel Guide Experience Alaska Edition
P. 80

The Kenai Peninsula                  Seward                                  The Alaska Wildlife Conservation Cen-
        The Kenai Peninsula is a region rich in   Location: Seward Highway 9, 125 miles south   ter (AWCC) is a non-profit sanctuary
                                                                                   dedicated to preserving Alaska’s wild-
      fabulous  fishing  grounds  and  full  of  businesses   of Anchorage on Resurrection Bay.  Population:   life through conservation, education, re-
      playing host to eager anglers.  View beluga   3,300. Visitor Information: Mile 2 Seward Hwy   search and quality animal care. Located
                                             and Information Cache located in railcar at 3rd
      whales from Portage, hike tranquil trails through   and Jefferson; Seward Chamber of Commerce:   southeast of Girdwood at the head of
      wilderness areas in Sterling and Cooper Landing   PO Box 749, Seward,  Alaska 99664; Phone:   Turnagain Arm, AWCC takes in orphaned
      and visit the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge.  The   (907) 224-8051; Website:  and injured animals year-round and pro-
      Refuge is home to over 200 species of wildlife and                           vides them a forever home. The sanctu-
      a paradise of paddling and backcountry hiking   Seward is an easy 2 to 3 hour drive south of   ary maintains over 200 acres of spacious
      options.  Visitors should not miss the Islands and   Anchorage  along  Alaska’s only  “National  Scenic   habitats for resident animals to feel at
      Ocean  Visitor  Center  in  Homer  or  the  Homer   Byway” in a region known for its majestic mountains   home displaying their natural wild be-
      halibut fishing grounds, where anyone who can   and magnificent scenery. The area is a photographer’s   havior as education ambassadors for
      hold a pole can catch a 200-pound fish.  paradise. Keep your camera ready as porpoise, whales   their species. It is common for visitors
                                           and sea lions are frequently sighted in Resurrection   to  see brown  bears  swimming,  moose
      Hope                                 Bay,  well  known for  its  colorful  marine  life.  A   strutting, wood bison roaming, mus-
                                           walking tour through the city provides opportunities
                                                                                   kox playing, wolves posing, porcupines
        Location: At Mile 56.7 on the Seward Highway   for photographing interesting historic buildings, and   climbing and more!
        (AK  1),  turn  18  miles  off  on  Hope  Road.   sight-seeing tours allow for the best shots of what the   General Admission tickets to the Alaska
        Hope  is  an  89-mile  day  trip  from Anchorage   area really has to offer.  Wildlife  Conservation  Center  can  be
        along  Turnagain  Arm  and  through  the  Kenai   At 3,022 feet,  towering  Mt. Marathon provides   purchased upon arrival the day of your
        Mountains. Population: 200.        a breathtaking  backdrop for the town. Behind the   visit, and are perfect for those who like
                                           mountain and extending down the coast lies the   a self-guided experience via the scenic
         JCT. SEWARD HWY 1 & STERLING HWY 1  Harding Icefield, measuring 35 by 20 miles.  Flowing   1.5-mile loop accessible by foot, bike or
          WHERE SEWARD HWY BECOMES #9      from the Icefield are many glaciers, eight of which   car, while learning about resident wild-
                                           are tidewater glaciers calving icebergs into the sea,   life via interpretive signs at each animal
      Moose Pass                           reaching the coastline between Seward and Homer.   habitat.  AWCC encourages you to visit
                                             The long days are perfect for filling your schedule
        Location: Mile 29 of Seward Highway 9, along   with  world  class  fishing,  tours  of  Kenai  Fjords   the center with your walking shoes and
        the shoreline of Upper Trail Lake.  National Park, walks along the waterfront, learning   camera in hand for an educational Alas-
                                                                                   kan experience to remember. Or book a
      Summit Lake                          about local history and culture or simply enjoying the   tour or Animal Encounter! AWCC offers
                                           many fine restaurants, bakeries, shops and galleries.
                                                                                   up-close and personal experiences. Book
        Location: Mile 45.8 Seward Highway (AK 1),   Seward’s site was chosen in 1902 as the starting   early and enjoy Moose Encounters, Bear
        before the highway turns to the southeast toward   point for the Alaska Railroad. Because of its deep ice-  Encounters and Walk on the Wild Side
        Moose Pass, 80 miles south of Anchorage. Visitor   free harbor and room for expansion, Seward grew to   Tours.  We  look forward to  welcoming
        Information: Local Merchants.      become a busy seaport. Much freight passed over its   you to the sanctuary!

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