Page 82 - Travel Guide Experience Alaska Edition
P. 82
Kenai Peninsula Hinchinbrook Islands, at the mouth of Prince William
Sound. A record catch aboard a Seward charter vessel
brought in a 340 lb. halibut just off Montague Island.
Halibut fishing begins in March and continues into
October. Silver salmon return by the thousands to the
waters around Seward in late June and run into early
September. Fishing for either is at its best from mid-
July on. Fishing for winter feeding King salmon runs
from September to June and lingcod season opens
July 1st. Seward Jackpot Halibut Tournament is May
to August and the Seward Silver Salmon Derby takes
place in August.
Exit Glacier is part of the Kenai Fjords National
Seldovia Sunset Park west of Seward. The unique feature of the glacier
photo by:
Jenny Chissus is that you can walk right up to the crystal blue ice. It
doesn’t require an expensive flightseeing excursion or
lengthy drive to access this majestic Alaskan scene.
docks on the way north by rail. Gold miners, trappers, of birds can be observed. In summer, Exit Glacier can be reached by car on a
loggers and fishermen made it a major transportation One campground is owned and maintained by 9-mile paved road which is located 3.7 miles before
centre. Seward continues to prosper in spite of two the city and offers restrooms, water and a dump you enter the town of Seward. The Exit Glacier
devastating fires and the fateful 1964 Good Friday station. The US Army and Air Force also maintains Ranger Station provides a great deal of information
earthquake, from which it has made a fantastic a campground for military personnel. Additional for the visitor with regularly scheduled tours, exhibits,
recovery. services include private campgrounds, hotels, motels, educational programs and a slide show during the
Fishing is a popular sport and for a real challenge, laundromats, public showers and several restaurants visitor season. Exit Glacier has 10 walk-in summer
anglers are encouraged to try salmon, halibut or as well as a well-stocked grocery store. camping sites. No RV or trailer camping is available
bottom fishing in the Bay. Fishing from the Small Seward is home to some of Alaska’s finest year- in the park. However, Seward has a full compliment
Boat Harbor floats or from the beaches can also round sport fishing. Anglers have the chance to feel of RV and camping facilities located throughout the
provide a few thrills. Fresh water fishing can be the arm-burning power of a giant Pacific halibut, area just minutes from the glacier.
enjoyed in nearby lakes and streams, easily accessible fight an acrobatic silver (Coho) salmon, catch a As a visitor travels the Seward Highway or Alaska
by walking, driving or flying. Charter boats can be trophy lingcod or troll for Alaska’s renowned King Railroad between Anchorage and Seward, they follow
hired or boat launching facilities for private boats (Chinook) salmon. parts of the Iditarod National Historic Trail. Although
are conveniently located. Sailing and diving are ever The uniqueness to fishing Seward lies in the the Iditarod Race takes place in March, the excitement
increasing in popularity. approximately 30 fishing charters ready to offer the of the sled dogs and lore of the trail can be witnessed
Hiking is available on the many US Forest Service fishing trip of a lifetime, with half-day or all day throughout the summer in Seward at IdidaRide Sled
trails and in picturesque Kenai Fjords National fishing for your choice of fish or a combo fishing Dog Tours. Voted one of Alaska’s Top 20 Attractions,
Park. Large numbers of wildlife, ranging from sea package: half-day for salmon and half-day for halibut. IdidaRide Sled Dog Tours offers 1-1/2-hour tours
mammals to mountain goats and sheep and a variety The fishing is good around Montague and for children and adults. Visitors to IdidaRide have