Page 86 - Travel Guide Experience Alaska Edition
P. 86

established by the Russians in 1791 at the mouth of
                                                                                the Kenai River. After the US purchase of Alaska in
                                                                                1867, the outpost was renamed Fort Kenay by the US
                                                                                  Fort Kenay was restored in 1967 to represent the
                                                                                old military post. Included in the restoration are some
                                                                                of the original buildings from 1868. Holy Assumption
                                                                                of the  Virgin  Mary Church,  the  oldest  standing
                                                                                building in use, offers free tours. The church is listed
                                                                                as a National Historic Landmark.
                                                                                  The settlement and growth of Kenai began with the
                                                                                salmon fishing industry. Many on board the ships that
                                                                                came in search of salmon decided to remain in Kenai.
                                                                                In 1937, the Army Corps of Engineers built the Kenai
                                                   Aialik Glacier on Aialik Bay in Kenai Fjords National Park
                                                                                airport opening up an increase of travel for the area. A
                                                                                road from Seward was passable in 1948 and supplies
      be the Kenai  Visitors and Cultural  Center, where   charter services are available and popular destinations   began to be trucked in by 1949.
      you’ll  find  all  the  travel,  accommodation,  wildlife   can be reached within minutes.  The discovery of oil in 1957 and statehood in
      and recreational information you need for your Kenai   The Kenai National Wildlife Refuge and Captain   1959 brought an influx of new families and increased
      Peninsula visit. Take some time to see their fascinating   Cook  State  Recreation  areas  offer  unlimited  year   employment opportunities. Kenai’s economic stability
      cultural and natural history displays, including a large   round  opportunities  for  recreation:  fishing,  hiking,   is maintained by a strong commercial fishing industry
      display  of local  birds, permanent  and  traveling  art   camping,  kayak/canoeing,  wildlife  viewing,  that includes numerous processing plants within the
      exhibits, movies and Kenai authentic apparel and gift   swimming, photography, berry picking  in summer   Kenai area. The petroleum industry is also active.
      shop. For all the latest fishing reports, regulations and   and ice fishing in winter are among the more popular
      noteworthy catches recently landed, check the “fish   activities.         Nikiski
      corner” in the Center’s lobby.         Special area events include the Kenai River Festival
        The Kenai area offers a variety of activities. Visit   and the Tustumena 200 Dog Sled Race (a qualifying   Location:  24 miles north of Kenai  on the
      the Kenai Fine Arts Center or take a workshop at one   race for the Iditarod). The Peninsula Winter Games   Spur Highway. Population  5,000.  Visitor
      of the craft and art galleries located downtown. There   are held in February; dog sled races, broom hockey,   Information:   North Peninsula Chamber, PO
      are also self-guided tours of historic Old Town Kenai.  ice sculpting and snow machine races are a few of the   Box 8053, Nikiski, AK.
        Kenai residents live in an outdoor recreational   events comprising this exciting winter carnival.
      paradise that attracts tourists from all over the world.    Early history reveals that the area’s first inhabitants   STERLING HWY 1
      The peninsula is a haven for many diverse species on   were Dena’ina Athabascan natives who lived in the
      land and in the surrounding waters. The Kenai River   lowlands of the middle and upper portions of Cook
      sees tremendous salmon runs and is one of the most   Inlet. Wildlife from both the land and sea provided an   Kasilof
      heavily fished and floated rivers in Alaska.  abundance of food and economic resources for their   Location:  On the Sterling Hwy  1, 12 miles
        Besides  world-famous  offshore  halibut,  twelve   sustenance. These natives were called Kenaitze by the   south of the town of Kenai, on the eastern shore
      different species of fish can be caught in various lakes   first Russians who came to the peninsula at the end of   of Cook Inlet.  There is a state owned gravel
      and streams in the vicinity. Many of the better fishing   the 18th century.
      and hunting spots are located in roadless areas. Fly-in   The trading post of Fort St. Nicholas was   airstrip and a boat launch at the Kasilof River.
                                                                                  Population: 500.
                                                                                  Located on the west coast of the Kenai Peninsula
                                                                                  on the Sterling Highway 1, 38 miles southwest
                                                                                  of the City of Kenai. Population: 883.  Visitor
                                                                                  Information: Ninilchik Chamber; PO Box 39164
                                                                                  Ninilchik, AK 99639; Phone: (907) 567-3571;
                                                                                  Email:; Website:

                                                                                  Ninilchik is a traditional Native village, although
                                                                                the founding fathers were of Russian descent.  Today
                                                                                there is a strong Russian Orthodox following and an
                                                                                historical church.  Subsistence activities, commercial
                                                                                fishing, tourism and timber harvests from Native lands
                                                                                add to the local economy. Tourism-related services are
                                                                                available for the traveler.
                                                                                Anchor Point/Anchor River
                                                                                  Location: Sterling Highway 1 at the south end of
                                                                                  Kenai Peninsula adjacent to Cook Inlet; 15 miles
                                                                                  to Homer, 220 miles to Anchorage. Population:
                                                                                  2,500.   Visitor Information:  Anchor Point
                                                                                  Chamber of Commerce, PO Box 610, Anchor
                                                                                  Point,  AK  99556;  Phone:  (907)  235-2600;
                                                                                  Anchor Point is a small fishing community located
                                                                                in a region that has everything: picturesque scenery, a
                                                                                year round mild climate and an abundance of sea life in
                                                                                one of the world’s richest marine environments.
                                                                                  Drawing visitors from around the world, Cook Inlet
                                                                                is known for its excellent king salmon fishing in the
                                                                                early summer and area rivers afford challenging angling
                                                                                for Dolly  Varden, steelhead trout and pink salmon.
                                                                                Fresh halibut, shrimp, crabs, clams and mussels as well
                                                                                as trophy fish are plentiful. Sea otters, sea lions, whales
                                                                                and porpoises may be observed along the shores.

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