Page 91 - Travel Guide Experience Alaska Edition
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being with skilled guides in bear country. moose, caribou, wolves, birds and fowl and Lake Clark is a very rugged, unspoiled area of
of course brown bears, who can best be seen natural beauty. Sleeping volcanoes, formidable
Brooks River Fly-in in early July through mid-August feasting ice fields and glaciers, lakes teaming with trout
The only bears to regularly inhabit Katmai on the chum or dog salmon. This area is and salmon and a variety of wildlife attract true
National Park and Preserve are brown bears. controlled by an access permit program from outdoor enthusiasts. The area of Crescent Lake
Bear watching at Brooks River is unique, the Alaskan Department of Fish and Game. attracts a large number of brown bears to the
because it is a large gathering location for This ensures that visitors can enjoy a pristine area including mothers and cubs, young adults
brown bears. Even if you only spend one piece of wilderness and the wildlife is safe and and big boars.
hour watching bears at Brooks River, it is protected for all generations.
easy to see how each bear is different. These Frazer Lake-Kodiak Island Fly-in
bears are not only distinguished by physical Denali National Park Road Access Located 70 miles from the city of Kodiak,
characteristics, but more importantly, they are Standing as a sentinel, keeping a watchful this is the Island’s premier bear viewing spot.
also distinguished by their habits and behavior. eye over Alaska’s forests and coasts is North The sockeye salmon can get backed up at
Bear watching at Brooks River will give you a America’s tallest peak-Denali, but the park the entrance to the fish ladder (designed to
chance to see these brown bears in their own is far more than a tall mountain. With over 6 help the salmon navigate Frazer Falls) and the
habitat. million square miles of wilderness to explore renowned Kodiak bears sit back and feast on a
and one road that bisects it all through low salmon buffet.
Hallo Bay Fly-in elevation taiga forest, alpine tundra and
A meadow filled with wildflowers bursting mountain tops frosted in icy snow. Something Karluk Lake Fly-in
with color, a glacier-filled creek meanders for everyone awaits the adventurous spirit in The Karluk basin is the ancestral home of
through the meadow while a snow-capped Denali and where better to spend time with the the native Alutiq people and is also the home
mountain protects the idyllic scene ... welcome 169 species of birds, 39 mammal species and of the Kodiak bear, the king of all carnivore land
to Hallo Bay! The Bay is a sanctuary within a 14 varieties of fish. One of the best ways to view animals. It is here where these bears graze and
sanctuary located on the sea in Katmai, and is the wildlife is while riding a bus on the Denali fish undisturbed from modern life. Step back
home to bears who graze on vegetation and Park Road. Relax and watch the stunning in time as you watch the bears living the same
clams in early June and stay around to fish scenery pass by while an expert navigator way they have for thousands of years.
during July and August. Hallo Bay is difficult follows the winding Park Road.
to get to and is best explored by using one of Anan Bear and Wildlife Observatory Fly-in
Alaska’s authorized guiding tours. Wolverine Creek-Big River Lakes Fly-in & Jet Boat
Located on the west side of Cook Inlet Near Wrangell, an ancient Tlingit native
McNeil River Sanctuary Fly-in across from the Kenai Peninsula, this creek is fishing site known as Anan Creek has the
High in the Aleutian Range, glacier water the place to watch both black and brown bears largest pink salmon run in Southeast Alaska.
makes its way down toward Cook Inlet in fish for sockeye salmon and teach their young The observatory is only accessible by boat or
southwestern Alaska. This 200 square mile cubs the art of catching their meals. plane and the observation platform overlooks
protected area provides home and refuge to the cascading falls where salmon jump up the
an abundance of wildlife, including red fox, Lake Clark National Park and Preserve Fly-in river almost into the bear’s mouth. A half mile
Scenic Bear Viewing