Page 95 - Travel Guide Experience Alaska Edition
P. 95
Pack Creek Wildlife Viewing Area is an to the fish hatchery, which produces summer Herring Cove
outstanding place to capture photographs of and fall chum, fall coho and chinook salmon. Another lesser-known spot that rivals
brown bears, eagles, and even whales as they The eggs of the salmon are collected from the others in its serene rainforest walk on elevated
navigate the channels around the island. returning fish, raised in the hatchery and then platforms.
released at several remote sites, thus ensuring
Traitor’s Cove a healthy and robust salmon population for There are many ways to view bears in Alaska,
A popular bear-viewing area and a short all to enjoy. Bears instinctively know when the from just driving down the highway to hikes and
20-minute flight from Ketchikan. After salmon are returning and arrive at Neets Creek treks on forest trails. However, the safest way
disembarking from the plane there is a short 10- ready for a meal as if an internal dinner bell would be to book a tour with a guided bear-
12 minute guided walk through the rainforest, has been rung. At any time dozens of bears viewing company. In the excitement of seeing
where local flora and fauna is pointed out. can be seen feasting on the salmon behind these massive animals many tourists can
At Margaret Creek there is a bear-viewing the hatchery. Tours are limited to this area and forget that bears are wild, unpredictable and
platform situated above a waterfall and a include a float plane or boat tour. If arriving can be dangerous if you don’t know what you
unique fish ladder that helps the spawning by floatplane, passengers will disembark and are doing. From first-hand experience I count
salmon, but also makes for an easy lunch for walk the guided trail to the fish hatchery. There my blessings for my Katmai guide who knew
the bears. The area is wide open and the short is an observation area including a gazebo and exactly what to do in every situation. These
hike is one of the prettiest in the area. The site benches. If you arrive by boat, passengers will guides make the tour enjoyable, memorable
is maintained by USFS and permits are limited. not disembark but will instead stay on the boat and most importantly, they make it safe so you
and watch for bears along the shore line. can come back to Alaska again and again.
Neets Bay
It has been said that Ketchikan has some Prince of Wales Island
of the best bear viewing in Alaska. If that is One of the lesser-known spots and not as
the case then Neets is the epicenter. Located popular as some of the other bear-viewing
40 miles from downtown Ketchikan, this area sites, but is still a unique tour where visitors
can only be assessed by floatplane or boat. disembark upon the shore and explore a rain
The bears gravitate to Neets Bay thanks in part forested island with the chance to see bears.