Page 94 - Travel Guide Experience Alaska Edition
P. 94


      trail leads to the observation area and bears   here  and  so  does  an  abundance  of  wildlife.   enforce site rules, and answer questions from
      are  often  seen  on  the  trail  as  well  as  other   There is one road into town and in the summer   visitors.
      wildlife. This  area  is  limited  to  65  people  per   thousands of tourists descend on this place
      day and is managed by the U.S. Forest Service.   to see the salmon run and the bears. The Fish   Fortress of the Bear Road
      It is recommended that you reserve your pass   Creek  Wildlife Observation Site is a day-use   The rescue center opened in 2007 and now
      at least six months in advance.      recreation area in the Salmon River Valley near   houses 8 bears. More than 20,000 visitors per
                                           Hyder, Alaska. Both brown (grizzly)  and black   year come to experience the majesty of these
        Misty Fjords National Monument   Fly-in  bears can be observed and photographed at   amazing creatures.  They have sent bears to
        Forty miles east of Ketchikan in the Tongass   the site as they fish for chum and pink salmon   the  Bronx  Zoo,  Montana  Grizzly  Encounter
      National  Forest is  a  national  monument  and   in the clear shallow waters of Fish Creek and   and the International Exotic Animal Sanctuary
      wilderness  area.  Small  glaciers  dot  the  area   Marx Creek. Visitors will see wild bears in their   in  Boyd, Texas. Their  goal  is  to work with  the
      and canals criss-cross the valleys beckoning to   natural habitat in this beautiful glacial river   Alaska Department of Fish & Game to someday
      be explored by kayak. This area is very remote   valley.  Other  wildlife  frequently  seen  include   release  rehabbed  bears  back  into  the  wild.
      so most visitors arrive by cruise ship or charter   nesting Canada geese, harlequin ducks,   As  a  501(C)3  not-for-profit  organization,  they
      plane. After landing in the water, disembarking   common mergansers, mink, beaver, bald   rely solely on admission fees and donations
      is  onto  a  floatplane  platform  as  shoreline   eagles, and a wide variety of songbirds. Visitors   for  funding.  Please  consider  helping  support
      excursions are not permitted by the USFS   occasionally see wolves fishing for salmon at   Fortress of the Bear.
      within the National Monument.        this site.
                                                                                  Admiralty Island
        Hyder Fish Creek Wildlife Observation Site Road  Bears use the Fish Creek site from mid-July   The native  Tinglit people called the area
        A town of about 85 that sits in the shadow   through early September, following the arrival   “Kootznoowoo”, meaning fortress of the bears.
      of  glaciers  and  sandwiched  between  two   of salmon that return to the fresh waters of the   They knew that the bears outnumbered them
      international borders, Hyder has no property   creeks to spawn. The site is open from 6:00 am   and on this island they roamed freely and
      taxes, nor do they have a police force. Citizens   to  10:00  pm  daily.  Forest  Service  employees   unafraid.  Today  we  call  the  area  Admiralty
      can  openly  carry  firearms.  The  Alaskan  spirit   are at the site during these hours to provide   Island and it is still home to one of the largest
      of independence and resourcefulness lives   information about the bears and salmon,   concentration of brown bears in North America.
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