Page 19 - Travel Guide Experience the North Edition
P. 19

northeast of Grande Prairie. Population: 6740.
        Visitor  Information:  Peace  River  and  District
        Chamber  of Commerce,  PO Box 6599, Peace
        River,  Alberta,  T8S 1S4; Phone: (780) 624-
        4166; Email:;

        Nestled  within  the  majestic  valley  of the  Peace
      River, the  Town of Peace  River  enjoys one of the
      most  beautiful  physical  settings  in  the  province.
      Situated near the confluence of the Peace, Smoky and
      Heart Rivers, the town is the second largest center in
      northwestern Alberta.                  Aurora
        The  Town of Peace River and its surrounding   photo by:
      forests, streams, rivers and moderately mountainous   Clear Hills County
      terrain is the perfect setting for those looking for a place
      to relax. From surrounding outlooks and observation   secluded lakes. Four season leisure pursuits include   480  miles  north  of  Edmonton.  Population:
      areas such as Sagitawa Lookout and Kaufman Hill,   golfing, hiking, camping, wildlife watching, fishing,   3640.  Visitor Information:  Town of High
      visitors will be treated to an outstanding view of the   water recreation, hunting, skiing at Manning Ski Hill   Level, 10511 - 103 Street High Level,  AB
      river valleys below.                 and  snowmobiling  in  the  County’s vast  recreation   T0H 1Z0; Phone: (780) 926-2201; Fax: (780)
      Northern Sunrise County              areas. Local museums and annual events celebrate the   926-2899; Email:;
                                           aboriginal and pioneer heritage of the area.
        Location:  North central  Alberta, east of the   The town of Manning offers several accommodation
        city of Peace River; its western boundary is the   options and full-service camping facilities. Manning   Fort Vermilion
        Peace.  Population:  2500.  Visitor Information:   hosts the Battle River Fair and Rodeo the third                weekend in July and the Battle River Pioneer Museum   Location:  East of Hwy 35 on newly-paved
                                           Pancake Breakfast and  Antique  Tractor Parade in   Hwy 88, south of junction  of Hwy 697 and
        The  County of Northern Sunrise covers over   August. The Hamlet of Deadwood hosts Deadwood   Hwy 58;  47 miles  southeast  of High Level,
      8000 square miles of gentle  forested land, rich in   Daze in mid-June.     approximately  400 miles  north  of Edmonton.
      aspen-spruce  dominated  woodlands, agricultural                            Population:  870.  Visitor  Information:  Fort
      bounty, wildlife and recreational opportunities. Long                       Vermilion  Heritage Centre,  PO Box 1, Fort
      inhabited  by  Athapaskan  and  Algonquian  speaking                        Vermilion,  AB  TOH 1N0; Phone: (780) 927-
      First  Nations  groups,  the  area  saw  an  influx  of  fur                4603; Email:;  Website:
      traders beginning in the late 1700s, with trading posts           ;  Mackenzie
      built at the confluence of the Smoky, Heart and Peace                       County, PO Box 640, Fort Vermilion, AB TOH
      Rivers near the present day town of Peace River. In                         IN0; Phone: (877) 927-0677 or (780) 927-3718.
      the early years of the 20  century, over 6000 settlers
      arrived on the Peace frontier by river, rail and the                        Scenic  Fort  Vermilion  is home  to  the  Beaver,
      overland Grouard Trail to carve new lives from the                        Dene Tha’ and Cree nations and is one of the oldest
      boreal forest.                                                            European settlements in Alberta. Established on the
        Overlooking the town of Peace River from the                            banks of the Peace River in 1788 as a fur trade post
      east, Greene Valley Provincial Park stretches along                       for the  North West Company  it  became the  central
      the wildlife corridor of the Heart River toward the                       trading  and gathering  location.  The Hudson’s Bay
      village of Nampa, and is home to the gravesite park                       Company took over the post in 1821 and about 10
      of Twelve Foot Davis, a famous gold prospector who
      struck it rich on a 12-foot claim. Visitors will enjoy the
      Pioneer Museum in Nampa, located 24 km southeast
      of Peace River, the lovely nine-hole Heart River Golf
      Course just east of Nampa, and the well-attended Pro
      Rodeo  in  mid-July  held  in  Harmon  Valley,  23  km
      east of Nampa.  RV camping can be found at Cecil
      Thompson Park a few minutes southeast of Peace
      River, Mill  Brown Memorial  Park in Nampa,  and
      Harmon  Valley  Park. Northern Sunrise County is
      co-sponsor of the great “Paddle the Peace” event in
      August, with canoe/kayak instruction for beginners,
      overnight adventure options and group paddle on the
      mighty Peace River.

                  HWY 35 NORTH

      Northern Lights County
        Location: On Mackenzie Highway 35, just
        north of the town of Peace River, 250 km
        northeast of Grande Prairie, 600 km northwest of
        Edmonton. Population: 3556; Town of Manning:
        1164. Visitor  Information:  Manning Tourism
        Information Centre: 300 Main Street (Hwy 35)
        Manning, AB T0H 1M0; Phone: (780) 836-2334.
        Situated in the center of the Mighty Peace Country,   High Level
      the  County of Northern  Lights  is home  to dense
      boreal forest, majestic rivers, abundant wildlife and   Location: Junction of Hwy 35 with Hwy 58;
                                             152 miles north of Peace River, approximately
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