Page 22 - Travel Guide Experience the North Edition
P. 22

                                                                                  Location:    Intersection  of  Hwy  1  and  2.
                                                                                  Population: 80.  Visitor Information: Enterprise
                                                                                  Regional Tourist Information Centre, 256 Robin
                                                                                  Road, Enterprise, NT X0E 0R1; Phone: (867)
                                                                                  The  first  major  stop  after  crossing  the  Alberta/
                                                                                Northwest Territories border, Enterprise is an excellent
                                                                                place to regroup for side trips to Hay River, Fort
                                                                                Resolution and Fort Smith or Wood Buffalo National
                                                                                Park.  The town has a motel and B & B, restaurant and
                                                                                grocery store. There are also 18 campsites including 9
                                                                                with power for RVs.

                                                                                   JCT. MACKENZIE HWY 1 & HWY 2 NORTH
                                                                                            TO HAY RIVER
                                                                                Hay River
                                                                                  Location: Situated on the south shore of Great
                                                                                  Slave  Lake  at  the  north  end  of  Hwy  2;  462
                                                                                  miles northwest of Grande Prairie,  AB; 296
                                                                                  miles south of Yellowknife and 70 miles north
                                                                                  of  Alberta border. Scheduled air service daily
                                                               Wood Buffalo National Park
                                                                       photo by:  from Edmonton (638 miles) and other points,
                                                                      Travel Guide  with summertime barge service to the northern
                                                                                  communities via Hay River access. Charter
                                                                                  plane service is available, including sightseeing
      Hwy 1 – Mackenzie Highway            Hwy 2 – Hay River Highway              or fishing excursions. Population: 3734. Visitor
        This highway, the longest in the Northwest   This highway, the NWT’s shortest, connects the   Information: Hay River  Visitor Information
      Territories, starts at the NWT/Alberta border and   town of Hay River to Highway 1 at the community   Centre, 923 Mackenzie Hwy at McBryan Drive;
                                                                                  Phone: (867) 874-3180; Website: www.hayriver.
      continues for approximately 690 kilometres to the   of Enterprise. The highway runs through Hay River,
      community of Wrigley. The first 188 kilometres are   terminating on the southern shore of Great Slave Lake.   com/tourism. Hay River Chamber of Commerce,
                                                                                  Suite K, 10 Gagnier Street, Hay River, Northwest
      paved, as well as 60 kilometres from the junction of   Its total length is 48.6 kilometres, all of which is paved.
      the Liard Highway to Fort Simpson.                                          Territories X0E 0R0; Phone:  (867) 874-2565;
                                                                                Fort Smith
        The remainder is gravel, with portions treated for                        Location: On Fort Smith Highway  5, just to the
      dust control.                                                             east  of  Wood  Buffalo  National  Park.  The  Wood
                                                                                Buffalo National Park and Town of Fort Smith Visitor
                                                                                Centre is located inside the Federal Building, 146
                                                                                McDougal Road.  The visitor center is open daily
                                                                                from May long weekend (Victoria Day) to September
                                                                                long weekend (Labor Day) and closed on weekends
                                                                                the rest of the year. The wheelchair-accessible center
                                                                                features walk-in exhibits, park and town information,
                                                                                backcountry registration, videos and souvenir sales;
                                                                                Phone:  (867)  872-7960  and  (867)872-3065;  Email:

                                                                                    JCT. HWY 2 & HWY 5 TO FORT SMITH,
                                                                                     WOOD BUFFALO NATIONAL PARK,
                                                                                          FORT CHIPEWYAN
                                                                                Wood Buffalo National Park
                                                                                  All paved road access via Highway 5, east and
                                                                                  south from Hay River, NWT. Fort Smith and
                                                                                  Fort Chipewyan lie on the eastern boundary of
                                                                                  the Park and are connected by winter road via
                                                                                  Pine Lake Road (Highway 58). Pine Lake Road
                                                                                  is the access point to get to the main recreational
                                                                                  area  in Wood  Buffalo,  which  includes  a  beach
                                                                                  and campground, canoe and paddleboard rentals,
                                                                                  rental cabins and hiking trails. Fort Chipewyan
                                                                                  is also accessible in winter from Fort McMurray,
                                                                                  Alberta. Several air charter services are available
                                                                                  from Fort McMurray and Fort Smith.  Visitor
                                                                                  Centre: 149 McDougal Road, Fort Smith, NT
                                                                                  X0E 0P0; Phone: (867) 872-7960; Email:

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