Page 15 - Travel Guide Experience the North Edition
P. 15

Smoky Lake County
        Location:  Northeast  Alberta  about 70 miles
        (120 km) northeast of Edmonton, on Hwy 28.
        Population: 3900.  The County encompasses
        the  Town of Smoky  Lake  (population:  1000),
        villages of Waskatenau and Vilna, and two Métis
        settlements of Buffalo Lake and Kikino. Visitor
        Information:  Tourist  Information  Centre  in
        Smoky Lake historic CNR station; Phone: (780)
        656-3674; Website:
        Location: On Yellowhead Highway 16; 170 miles
        west  of  Edmonton.  Population:  9640.  Visitor
        Information Centre: 309 Gregg Avenue; Phone:
        (877) 446-8666; Website:

        Situated in the middle of a four season recreational
      paradise  located  on  the  eastern  edge  of  Jasper
      National Park, Hinton is a service and supply   Maligne Lake
      center for the mountain resorts, offering an array of   photo by:
      amenities  and services  as well  as recreational  and   Travel Alberta
      cultural opportunities. Walking the 3 km long Beaver
      Boardwalk to catch a beaver working on a lodge at
      dusk during the summer or skiing at the Athabasca  Jasper National Park     Trail” 33; 200 km (120 miles) northwest
      Nordic Centre in winter are popular activities.  Location: Townsite on Yellowhead Hwy 16, 45   of Edmonton, 80 km (50 miles) north of
        The Hinton Bike Park offers mountain bikers of all   miles south of Hinton; Park north of Banff on   Whitecourt.     Population:  1858.   Visitor
      skill levels an opportunity to improve their skills in   Hwy 93. Visitor information: Tourism Jasper,   Information: Swan Hills Tourist Booth.
      this free 37-acre community park. The scenic fairways   PO  Box  568,  Jasper,  AB  T0E  1E0;  Website:
      of Hinton’s spectacular 18-hole golf course meander                       Greenview MD
      over rolling hills and through tall spruce trees.
                                                                                  Location:  Lower northern Alberta along western
                                             Established in 1907, Jasper National Park is a UN   border with BC, roughly between Grande Cache and
         JCT. YELLOWHEAD HWY 16 & HWY 40 HIN-  World Heritage Site encompassing nearly 20,000   Grande Prairie, encompassing parts of Highways 40
        TON TO GRANDE CACHE - GRANDE PRAIRIE  square kilometers and ranking as the world’s second   and 43.  Towns include Grande Cache, Valleyview
                                           largest Dark Sky Preserve. Aside from stunning   and Fox Creek.  District  Population:  5200.  Visitor
      Grande Cache                         mountain scenery and endless recreational pursuits,   Information: tourist information centres in Valleyview
                                           Jasper offers a variety of tourist attractions including
                                                                                and Grande Cache; Website:
        Location:  On Bighorn Highway 40; 89 miles   the Jasper Tramway, where tramcars take visitors to
        north  of  Hinton,  130  miles  northwest  of  Jas-  an elevation of 7500 feet.  The Municipal District of Greenview is known for
        per National Park; 114 miles south of Grande                            the exceptional beauty of its vast area of pristine lands,
        Prairie. Population: 4300.  Visitor Information:
        Grande Cache Tourism & Interpretive  Centre,   IN EDMONTON JCT. YELLOWHEAD HWY   offering  up  every  conceivable  outdoor  recreational
        9701-100 Street (Hwy 40) PO Box 300, Grande   16 & HWY 2 NORTH TO HIGH PRAIRIE  pursuit.  Greenview  maintains  Provincial  Recreation
        Cache, AB T0E 0Y0; Phone: (780) 827-3300;      HWY 2 NORTH              Areas at  Kakwa River, Southview  and Swan Lake,
        Toll Free: (888) 827-3790; Email:  tourism@                             while  golf  courses can  be  found in  Grande Cache,; Website:;                            Grovedale, DeBolt, Fox Creek and Valleyview.
        open daily with historical exhibits, gift shop, art   Big Lakes County
        gallery, theatre, interpretive and picnic park.  Location:  About three hours northwest of   Valleyview
                                             Edmonton between Hwy  43 and  33, from
        Grande Cache is a modern, fully serviced   southeast of Swan Hills to northwest of High   Location:  Junction  of  Highways  34  and
      community located near the western border of Alberta   Prairie; includes the west half of Lesser   43; approximately 67 miles east of Grande
      on the shortest and most scenic  route between  the   Slave Lake. County Population: 5900. Visitor   Prairie;  180 miles  northwest  of Edmonton.
      USA and Alaska, offering access to the remote and   Information: Tourist booths High Prairie and   Population:  2500. Visitor  Information: Town
      unspoiled Provincial  Parks systems of  Willmore   Swan Hills; Website:   of  Valleyview, PO Box 270,  Valleyview,
      and Kakwa River. Superb recreational opportunities                          Alberta  T0C 1ZO;  Phone: (780) 524-3924;
      abound in this area of sparkling lakes, rushing rivers,                     Tourist Information Centre and Rest Stop, 1
      green valleys and windswept peaks, including touring   WEST OF EDMONTON JCT.    mile south of Valleyview on Hwy 43; Phone:
      by  helicopter  and  horseback,  whitewater  rafting,   YELLOWHEAD HWY 16 & HWY 43    (780) 524-4129.
      hiking, rock climbing, fishing and golfing.   TO GRANDE PRAIRIE
        Over the August long weekend each year extreme                            Valleyview is a thriving community located in an
      athletes  push themselves to the limits  of their                         area noted for some of the most scenic and diverse
      endurance against the breathtaking  background of  Lac Ste. Anne County
      the Rocky Mountains during the “Canadian  Death   Location: 75 km northwest of Edmonton, tra-  forested land in Alberta. Originally known as Red
                                                                                Willow Creek, Valleyview is known as the “Portal
      Race.”  First held in 2000, nearly  1500 elite  racers   versed by Hwy 43, off Yellowhead Hwy 16.  Pop-
      now compete in one of the world’s toughest adventure   ulation: 10,000.  Visitor Information:  Toll Free:   to the Peace.” Founded in 1929, this interesting
      races. The 75-mile course begins and ends on a 4200-  (866) 880-LSAC (5722); Website:  community depended first on agriculture to sustain
      foot plateau, passes over three mountain summits and                      its economy, adding oil and gas production in the
      includes 17,000 feet of elevation change and a major   Whitecourt         1950s.
      river crossing at the spectacular Hell’s Gate canyon                        Young’s Point Provincial Park and  Williamson
      at the confluence of the Smoky and Sulphur Rivers.   Location:  Junction  of  Highways  43  and  32;   Provincial Park are situated on the shores of Sturgeon
      The accompanying “Death Fest” offers a festival full   110 miles northwest of Edmonton. Population:   Lake, which is located west of  Valleyview. Both
      of fun and entertainment for the whole family with a   9200. Visitor Information: Tourist Information   parks provide day use facilities including picnic
      carnival and concert.                  Booth in the  Forest Interpretive  Centre, 3002   areas, excellent swimming beaches, playgrounds,
                                             33rd Street; Phone (800) 313-7383 or (780)   boat launching and comfort stations as well as
                                             778-3433.                          overnight camping.
        BC BORDER & ICEFIELDS PARKWAY 93   Swan Hills                             Valleyview goes all out for its Canada Day
           FROM JASPER TO LAKE LOUISE                                           celebrations at the beginning of July and hosts the
                                             Location: Junction Highways 32 and “Grizzly   Valleyview Fair and Rodeo every August.
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