Page 13 - Travel Guide Experience the North Edition
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Alberta SouthWest is a partnership of 15 exhibitors and over 100,000 visitors from 180 town. Red Rock Parkway has pullouts to view
communities located within the northeast countries. The Top 3 in each category are where the mountains meet the prairie and the
corner of the “Crown of the Continent,” a selected by a panel of experts representing 12 sky. The Bison Paddock overlook just before
larger transboundary region encompassing international organizations. Alberta SouthWest you leave the Park on Highway 6 offers the
Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park has proudly joined the ranks of those special chance to see the prairie sky in all its glory.
and the surrounding areas of Alberta, British places that strive to be more sustainable for Easily seen with the naked eye, the Milky
Columbia and Montana. the benefit of travelers and local communities, Way galaxy stretches across the sky like a
Some key historic milestones include: and to preserve, enhance and celebrate iconic vast glowing river of stars. There are over 80
1932: Waterton-Glacier International Peace character of place. constellations and many planets are visible
Park became the world’s first and has been the 2020: Peaks to Prairies Electric Vehicle throughout the year. With binoculars, craters
model for over 150 peace parks worldwide. It is Charging Station Network, launched as the and mountains on the Moon pop into view, and
a fascinating story of two Park Superintendents: largest of its kind in Alberta, is powered with be sure to look for Jupiter’s four largest moons;
John George “Kootenay” Brown in Canada, 100% renewable energy from Southern Alberta the giant planet has over 90 of them!
and Albert “Death on the Trail” Reynolds solar, wind and hydro projects. The network
in Montana, who spent the long mountain features 20 locations along 1,400 kms of
winters agreeing that “Where no border is highway throughout Southwest Alberta that
seen, no border should be.” Led by the Rotary strategically connect with charging networks in
Clubs of Cardston, Alberta and Great Falls, Montana and British Columbia.
Montana, Rotarians agreed that this would 2021: Waterton-Glacier International Peace
be an important initiative to symbolize peace Park named by the International Dark-Sky
between two nations. Clubs in both countries Association as the world’s first transboundary
advocated to their federal governments and in International Dark Sky Park.
only 11 months the Park was established. 2023: Alberta SouthWest awarded second
1979: Waterton Biosphere Reserve place in the Business and Marketing category
designated by UNESCO as one of only 19 of Green Destinations Top 100 Sustainability
biosphere reserves in Canada. Stories at the ITB Berlin Travel Conference. This
1981: Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump celebration of the unique landscape is attracting
designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. new proposals for accommodations, activities
1993: The first commercial wind farm was and experiences to promote enjoyment of this
built in Alberta SouthWest, the birthplace of incredible natural asset.
the wind industry in Canada.
1995: The International Peace Park named a Stargazing with the Dark Sky Guides tour
UNESCO World Heritage Site. company is a popular activity in Waterton. Dark
2017: Castle Provincial Park and Castle Sky Park status means that International Peace
Wildlife Provincial Park designated by Alberta Park communities have reduced the amount of
Provincial Government. non-amber light sent up into the sky at night to
2020: Alberta SouthWest achieved third protect and preserve the pristine black skies.
place in the “Best of Americas” category at the Check out these favorite spots in or near the
prestigious ITB Berlin awards ceremony, chosen town of Waterton for some great dark sky
from the list of Top 100 Global Sustainable viewing: At the south end of Evergreen Avenue,
Destinations. The event attracts 10,000 Cameron Bay is within walking distance of
Dark Sky Guides
Photos by
Monika Deviat