Page 9 - Travel Guide Experience the North Edition
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little town of Rosebud, famous for lively dinner
      theatre performance and fine arts community.
        Continue  along  Hwy  9  to  Drumheller  where  the
      Dinosaur Trail begins. Heading out on North Dinosaur
      Trail, just six kilometres west of Drumheller, the
      Royal Tyrrell Museum of Paleontology is arguably the
      finest dinosaur museum in the world, with more than
      140,000 specimens.
        Continuing west on North Dinosaur  Trail  (Hwy
      838) along the Red Deer River, the road climbs
      steeply out of the valley onto the prairie benchland.
      Stop at Horsethief Canyon Lookout for spectacular
      views of the badlands, then cross the Red Deer on the
      Bleriot Ferry, one of the few remaining cable ferries in
      Alberta. The South Dinosaur Trail continues to Orkney
      Hill Lookout for panoramic views of the Badlands.
        Location: On Highway 56 near intersection of
        Highways 9 and 10; 140 km (85 miles) northeast
        of Calgary, 280 km (170 miles) southeast of
        Edmonton in  Alberta’s Badlands. Dinosaur   Waterton Lakes National Park
        Provincial Park lies to the southeast.  Population:   photo by:
        8029. Visitor Information: Drumheller & District
        Chamber of Commerce, 60 - 1  Avenue West,
        Drumheller,  AB  T0J  0Y0;  Phone:  (403)  823-  off  Highway  2.    Population:  3230.    Visitor   miles south of Pincher Creek, AB; 33 miles west
        8100; Email: tourisminfo@drumhellerchamber.  Information:  Phone:  (403)  443-5822;  Email:   of Cardston, AB; 39 miles north of Babb, MT.
        com; Website:               Visitor Information:  Waterton  Lakes National
                                                                                  Park Headquarters, PO Box 200, Waterton Park,
        Entering the Badlands valley of the Red Deer River   Three Hills was incorporated  as a village  in   AB Canada T0K 2M0; Phone: (403) 859-5133;
      near  Drumheller  provides  visitors  with  the  unique   1912 and soon became a center for the surrounding   Website:
      opportunity to travel far back in time to the days of   agricultural region. In 1922, the Prairie Bible Institute
      the dinosaurs. Characterized by coulees, hoodoos,   was established  and the population  of the town   Located  in the southwest corner of  Alberta,
      canyons and grasslands, the eerie landscape invites   and neighboring  communities  grew until  the 130-  Waterton  Lakes National  Park combined  with
      exploration. Rich farmland is unexpectedly cut   acre  campus and the nearby  hamlets  of Grantville   Montana’s Glacier  National  Park in 1932 to form
      through by a twisting canyon of colorful layers of   and Ruarkville  were annexed.  Three Hills hosted   the world’s first International Peace Park. It is also
      sandstone, mudstone, shale and coal dating back to   the Alberta  Seniors Games in 1998 because of the   a UNESCO  World Biosphere Reserve as well as a
      the late Cretaceous Period. The Drumheller Badlands   large facilities  at the Bible  college.   Built  in 1954,   Natural World Heritage Site, and in 2017 was named
      are one of the few areas in the world where overlying   the 4,300-seat Maxwell Memorial  Tabernacle  was   the  first  International  Dark  Sky  Park  in  the  world.
      sedimentary layers have been eroded to expose a high   Canada’s largest  religious  auditorium  before  it  was   Featuring striking mountain  scenery and fantastic
      density array of entire skeletal remains. If your family   demolished in 2005.   wildlife viewing opportunities, there are hundreds of
      has been swept up in the latest Jurassic era dinosaur                     miles of breathtaking hiking trails.
      films,  bring  them  here  to  explore  the  true  size  and  Carway        The historic  MV International is the oldest
      nature of these creatures who inhabited Earth for 165   Location: Alberta side of the Canadian border,   operating wooden passenger vessel in Canada and
      million years.                         north of the Port of Peigan border crossing in   celebrated  its 90th  season of sightseeing  cruises in
                                             Montana, on Highway 2 (which turns into   2017.  The Red Bus Tours are the oldest intact fleet
      Dinosaur Provincial Park               Highway 89 on the US side), 25 km south of   of passenger vehicles in the world. These 17-person
        Location: Northeast of the town of Brooks in   Cardston.                convertible  touring sedans are  cherished,  elegant
                                                                                icons, with multiple doors and roll-back canvas tops
        southeast Alberta, off Trans-Canada Hwy 1.
                                             The  Carway border crossing is open year round   allowing passengers to marvel at the views.
        Dinosaur Provincial Park is 48 km (30 miles)   from 7 AM to 11 PM; border crossing information is   A beautiful  18-hole, Stanley  Thompson-design
      northeast of Brooks, while the Royal Tyrrell Museum   available by calling 403-653-3009.  Carway is one of   golf  course  features  bears  and  other  wildlife  as  the
      of Palaeontology is in Drumheller. Both share a   the preferred entry points to Waterton Lakes National   premier hazards.  Enjoy guided horseback rides into
                                                                                the backcountry, or rent a kayak, canoe or stand-
      reputation  for  dinosaur  fossils  and  magnificent   Park to the west or Glacier  National  Park to the
      badlands and many travelers assume incorrectly that   southwest.  Be sure to enjoy a pleasant, convenient   up paddleboard.    The townsite  itself  is a vibrant
                                                                                community  offering  unique  gift  shops,  plenty  of
      the two sites are one and the same. So if your summer   duty free shopping experience at the unique Carway   restaurants,  nightlife that  often  features live  music
      travel plans include these very complementary   Gift and Duty Free Shop.
      destinations, then keep in mind that they are 170 km                      and  fun 4-wheel  pedal  bikes.  Accommodations
      (105 miles) apart and it will take you three or four days  The Cowboy Trail  include  the Bayshore Inn,  Waterton  Glacier  Suites
      to really experience them both.        Along the foothills of Alberta’s Rocky Mountains   and the grand, historic Prince of Wales Hotel.
                                           lies a band of mixed forests and grasslands known   Cardston
      Medicine Hat                         for its serene beauty, moderate climate, wide variety   Location: 25 miles east of  Waterton Lakes
        Location: On Trans-Canada Hwy 1 and Hwy 3,   of wildlife and broad ecological diversity.  Today,   National Park; 40 miles south of Fort Macleod.
        about midway between Cypress Hills Provincial   communities along this spectacular corridor are linked   Population:  3,500. Visitor  Information: Tourist
        Park in the far southeast corner of the province   together by the Cowboy Trail, a ribbon of pavement   Information Hut on Main Street at Lee Creek
        and Dinosaur Provincial Park to the northwest;   (primarily Highway 22) extending from Cardston near   Bridge and Remington-Alberta Carriage Centre.
        170 km northeast of Lethbridge  and 300 km   the Montana border up to Mayerthorpe, northwest of
        southeast  of Calgary.  Population:  63,200.     Edmonton.  These communities share a rich Western   Cardston is located where the vast sea of grass
        Visitor Information: www.tourismmedicinehat.  and Native heritage, and the Old West is still evident   which is the Great Plains laps at the foot of the Rocky
        com or 1-800-481-2822.             in the art, food, hospitality and culture of the foothills   Mountains, only thirty-two miles north of the eastern
                                           residents.                           terminus of the Going-to-the-Sun Highway in Glacier
      Three Hills                                                               National Park, Montana.
        Location: In central Alberta, 120 km (70 miles)   Waterton Lakes National Park  The prime attractions arrayed around Cardston
        northeast of Calgary on Secondary Road 583,   Location:  Junction of Highways 17, 6 and 5; 34   are the peaks and valleys of  Waterton-Glacier

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