Page 10 - Travel Guide Experience the North Edition
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character. Today, Cochrane is still noted for its western
                                                                                heritage and small town hospitality.
                                                                                  Enjoy year round, premier RV camping in a beautiful
                                                                                riverside location next to the family sports center and
                                                                                just minutes from Cochrane golf courses. Bow Rivers
                                                                                Edge Campground has spacious lots and great rates.
                                                                                  Location: On Highways 1 and 1A;15 miles east
                                                                                  of Banff; 66 miles west of Calgary. Population:
                                                                                  11,400. Visitor Information: Town of Canmore:
                                                                                  902 7  Avenue, Canmore, AB T1W 3K1; Phone:
                                                                                  (403) 678-1500; Canmore/Kananaskis Chamber
                                                                                  of Commerce: (403) 678-4094; specialevents@
                                                                                  Canmore is situated at the western end of the
                                                                                Bow River Corridor, its skyline dominated by the
                                                                                impressive Rundle Range and imposing presence of
                                                           Elk, Waterton Lakes National Park
                                                                       photo by:  the Three Sisters Peaks. The gateway to Banff National
                                                                    VC Travel Guide  Park, Spray Lakes are hidden above the townsite and
                                                                                Kananaskis Provincial Park lies to the southeast.
      International Peace Park, the shattered rockscape   Population: 287.  Visitor Information: www.  Banff National Park
      of the Frank Slide area on Highway 3 in Crowsnest
      Pass,    Head-Smashed-In  Buffalo  Jump  on  Highway                        Founded in l885 after the discovery of the Cave
      2 and the Remington Carriage Museum in Cardston.  Pincher Creek           and Basin Hot Springs, Banff is Canada’s oldest and
      Declared the “Best Indoor Attraction in Canada” in a   Location:  On Hwy 6, 2 km from Hwy 3; 53 km   most famous national park, nestled in the heart of the
      nationwide competition sponsored by the Government   east of the BC/Alberta border; 48 km north of   magnificent Canadian Rockies. Each year millions of
      of Canada, the Museum covers the 1887 Mormon   Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park. Area   visitors come to Banff to marvel at the emerald waters
      trek to Cardston, and has the largest display of horse   Population: 7,200. Visitor Information: Kootenai   of Lake Louise, walk among the flower-filled heavens
      drawn transportation in North America, with over 250   Brown Pioneer  Village  Visitor Centre, 1037   at Sunshine Meadows and drive beneath the towering
      carriages, buggies, wagons and sleighs.   Bev McLachlin Drive, PO Box 1226, Pincher   jagged  peaks  lining  the  highway.  Banff  is  world-
                                             Creek, AB, T0K 1W0; Phone: (403) 627-3684;   famous for its year round hotsprings and breath taking
      Glenwood                               Website:      cross-country and downhill skiing.
        Location:  On  Highway  810  off  Highway
        505; 35 km (21 miles) northwest of Cardston.   Cowley                   Lake Louise
                                             Location: On Highway 3, 15 km (9 miles) west   Often  called  the  “Jewel  of  the  Rockies,”  this
                                             of Pincher Creek.  Population: 236.   Visitor   aqua-green glacial lake in Banff National Park is the
                                             Information:  perfect setting for the palatial Chateau Lake Louise,
                                                                                presiding over one of the most photographed views
                                           Crowsnest Pass                       in the world. Recognized for elegant entertaining
                                             Location: Hwy 3 in southern  Alberta, near   in a wilderness setting with conference facilities,
                                             the  Alberta/British Columbia border.  Visitor   dining rooms and recreation areas, the Chateau has
                                             Information: Crowsnest Pass Chamber of   something to offer everyone. Enjoy downhill skiing
                                             Commerce, PO Box 706, Blairmore, AB TOK   and  skating  on  the  lake  and  summers  filled  with
                                             OEO; Phone: (403) 562-7108;  Website: www.  hiking and canoeing.
                                           Cochrane                               Location: On Highway 22, in the scenic foothills
                                             Location: At the intersection of Highways 1A   east of the Rocky Mountains along the Red Deer
                                                                                  River; 80 miles (130 km) northwest of Calgary.
                                             and 22 with easy access to the  TransCanada   Population:  2518. Visitor  Information: The
                                             Highway; 65 miles east of Banff National Park,   Visitor Information Centre is home base for the
                                             11 miles northwest of Calgary.  Population:   Sundre and District Chamber of Commerce, PO
                                             27,960.  Visitor Information: Historic Downtown   Box 1085, Sundre, Alberta, T0M 1X0; Phone:
                                             Cochrane Visitor Information Centre is located   403-638-3245; E-Mail:  info@sundrechamber.
                                             at 521 First Street West; Phone: (403) 851-0933;   com;  Town of Sundre:  PO Box  420, Sundre,
                                         Alberta,  T0M 1X0; Phone: 403-638-3551;
                                             Situated in a scenic valley where the Bow River
                                           sweeps into the foothlls of the Rockies, Cochrane   Rocky Mountain House
                                           was named after the senator who established the
                                           Cochrane  Ranche  in  1881.  Located  on  this  historic   Location:  At crossroads of David  Thompson
                                           ranch immediately north of the town, the Cochrane   Highway 11 and Cowboy  Trail  22; 77 km
                                           RancheHouse is a beautifully appointed facility   west of Red Deer, 180 km east of Jasper/Banff
                                           offering a variety services and special events.    National  Parks,  near  the  confluence  of  the
                                                                                  Clearwater and North Saskatchewan Rivers, in
                                             Less than an hour from Kananaskis Country, Banff   Clearwater  County. Population:  6900.  Visitor
                                           National Park and several other Provincial Parks   Information: Phone: (403) 845-5450; Website:
                                           and recreation areas and 20 minutes from Calgary,
                                           Cochrane  offers  spectacular  views  and  recreational
                                           opportunites as well as all the amenities of a large   The  history  of  the  Rocky  Mountain  House  area
                                           metropolitan center.                 began in the late 1700s with the fur trade and the early
                                             Before World War I, Cochrane was home to a stone   1800s presence of Canada’s most famous explorer
                                           quarry, a sawmill and four brick plants. Skilled artisans   David  Thompson.  Today the multiple  fort sites are
                                           utilized these local products to construct buildings of   preserved as  Alberta’s only National Historic Site.
                                           quality and personal style, giving Cochrane a unique   Clearwater County surrounds the town with over 7000
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