Page 5 - Travel Guide Experience the North Edition
P. 5

28 - 42                            Alberta  is an exciting  province of
                                                                                contrasts, from Dinosaur and Cowboy
                                                                                Trail adventures and bustling Calgary in
                                                                                the south, to the glittering cosmopolitan
                                                                                center  of Edmonton,  serene  Lesser
                                                                                Slave Lake and the Mighty Peace River
                                                                                district of the north. Travel west from
        SEE VIDEO                                                               Grande Prairie to NE British Columbia
                                                                                and Mile 0 of the Alaska Hwy, or north
                                             Royal Tyrrell Museum               to the Mackenzie Hwy and on to the
                                             photo by:                          Northwest Territories.
                                             Royal Tyrrell
              Publisher, Scott Graber        43 - 48                            Northwest Territories is your

         Cover photo by Jennifer Culbertson                                     four-season land of adventure north of
                                                                                the 60  Parallel, between the  Yukon
         TRAVEL TIPS FOR ALASKA HIGHWAY                                         and  Nunavut.  Experience  first  class
         Take  your time to enjoy the scenery and                               fishing  and  wilderness  exploration,
      wildlife. Consider  your  travel in hours rather
      than mileage. Talk to and enjoy the locals. When                          seeing wildlife in an unspoiled natural
      traveling, get out and stretch occasionally.                              setting  or specialty  shopping in an
         Have your camera and cell phone ready for                              urban center. From warm, twenty-
      spontaneous pictures and be prepared to stop
      for wildlife. Find a safe place to pull completely                        four hour summer days to crisp winter
      off the road to take photos and don’t stand in   Canoeing                 nights alive with the beauty of the
      the middle of the highway.             photo by:                          Northern Lights, the NWT has it all.
         Give  wildlife lots of room and keep  your   T. Macintosh, GNWT
      vehicle in view. Remember, wildlife is wild and
      dangerous! When you approach buffalo, give   49 - 81
      them space.  They move slowly, but hitting one                            British      Columbia      is   an
      is like hitting a brick wall.                                             incomparably  beautiful  and varied
         Get fuel in major areas as refills are few and                         land  stretching  from  the  Rockies
      far between at times. You do not need to carry
      extra fuel; it’s too dangerous. When you gas up,                          to  the  Pacific,  providing  road and
      do a visual check of your tires and vehicle.                              sea connections  to  Alaska.  Travel
         Check highway conditions and weather at
      Visitor’s  Centers;  they  usually  have  it  posted.                     Yellowhead Hwy #16 from the eastern
      XM Satellite radio keeps  you up to date on                               BC border to Prince Rupert, where
      national news and weather.                                                you can  board BC Ferries for points
         When traveling through road construction,
      leave plenty of space between you and other                               south, or north to Alaska via the Alaska
      vehicles because of rocks. Always give truckers                           Marine  Highway.  Explore  scenic
      room to get around you.                                                   Stewart-Cassiar Hwy #37 to hook up
         Pay attention to the road signs. When you
      see signs with three triangles, be prepared to                            with the western half of the  Alaska
      slow down before you hit the dip.      18th Hole Kitimat                  Highway, or drive the historic route all
         Scotch tape is a quick fix for rock chips in   photo by:               the way from Mile 0 in Dawson Creek.
      your windshield and prevents moisture.  Steve Haggard
         Obey the speed limit.  A traffic offense can
      be expensive.  Safety first!           82- 104                            Yukon: traversing  the  Yukon along
         Be smart  with survival preparation for
      floods,  fires,  earthquakes,  volcanic  eruptions.                       the  Alaska  Highway rewards the
      Carry an emergency auto kit with flares, a first                          adventurer  with sights of bountiful
      aid kit and insect repellant.  Travel  with a car
      charger for your cell phone, a rain jacket with a                         wildlife, rugged mountains, clear lakes
      hood and bottled water.                                                   and even giant sand dunes.  The world
         Be aware that data plans on your cell phone                            famous signpost forest in Watson Lake
      in Canada are costly.  Turn off your data plans.
         Buy  your supplies in major areas. Best                                is open 24-7.  The Yukon’s largest city,
      exchange for your money is at the banks in the                            Whitehorse is the bustling recreational,
      US and Canada.                                                            shopping  and  cultural  center  for  the
         When trip planning, make reservations
      ahead for the end of the day.                                             North.    Savor  the  past  as  you  stroll
         Before  you leave on  your trip, have  your                            the deck of the SS Klondike riverboat
      best  mechanic  check  out  your  vehicle.                                on the  Yukon River or travel up the
      Consider a new set of tires.
         If  you  don’t  have  a  built-in  navigation                          Klondike Highway to Dawson City,
      system, buy one.                       Yukon Wildlife                     home of the famous 1898 Yukon Gold
                                             photo by:
         Make  sure  you  have  your  passports  and   VC Travel Guide          Rush.
      that they are up to date.
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