Page 8 - Travel Guide Experience the North Edition
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Spock’s home world in Star Trek. Capitalizing on this
                                                                                coincidence, Vulcan has built a wonderful 3000-square
                                                                                foot  Star  Trek–themed  tourist station,  which in
                                                                                addition  to  providing  tourism  information  about  the
                                                                                area, also has a large display of Star Trek memorabilia
                                                                                and offers unique photo opportunities in costume on
                                                                                the starship bridge with life-size character cutouts. The
                                                                                Galaxy Gift Shop carries a fun array of collectibles,
                                                                                including Spock ears. Nearby, a 31-foot long replica of
                                                                                the Starship Enterprise from Star Trek V, mounted on a
                                                                                pedestal with greeting plaques in English, Klingon and
                                                                                Vulcan is a must see for any Star Trek fan. Downtown,
                                                                                check out Spock/Leonard Nimoy’s bronze bust and
                                                                                handprint memorial, and the many fun space-themed
                                                                                murals and signs. Vulcan holds an annual Spock Days
                                                                                festival in June and the deluxe Sci-fi convention Vul-
                                                                                Con in July, attracting hundreds of fans from around
                                                                                the world (as well as Star Trek actors and authors).
                                                                                  Location: Southern  Alberta on  Trans-Canada
                                                                                  Hwy 1 and Hwy 2; l50 miles north of the
                                                                                  Montana border, l75 miles south of Edmonton.
                                                             Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump  Population:  1,000,000.  Calgary  Visitor
                                                                       photo by:  Information Centre located at the airport and
                                                                   Matt MacGillivray  dowtown  at  the  Calgary  Tower;  Phone:  (800)
                                                                                  66l-l678 or (403) 263-85l0;  Website: www.
      Taber                                  The site is among the oldest, largest and best
        Location:  On the Oldman River in southern   preserved  of  hundreds  of  buffalo  jumps  across  the   A  cosmopolitan  city  bursting  with  energy  and
                                           western Plains and was used continuously by aboriginal
        Alberta, at the junction of Highways 3 and 36;                          youthful vitality located less than an hour away from
        98 km (60 miles) north of US border; 52 km (32   peoples for more than 5,500 years. Designation as   the  Canadian  Rockies,  Calgary  offers  visitors  the
        miles)  east of Lethbridge;  117 km (73 miles)   a  World Heritage Site by UNESCO places Head-  best of two exciting worlds: bold big-city life and
        west  of  Medicine  Hat;  258  km  (160  miles)   Smashed-In in the company of other world attractions   outstanding wilderness adventure.
        southeast of Calgary.  Population: 8400. Visitor   such as the Egyptian pyramids, Stonehenge and the   Calgary’s history as a city began in 1875 when a
                                           Galapagos Islands.  The Interpretive Centre documents
        Information:  Taber and District Chamber of                             detachment of North West Mounted Police established
        Commerce,  4702-50 Street;  Phone: (403)   the buffalo hunting culture of the Plains Indians.  Fort  Calgary  at  the  confluence  of  the  Bow  and  the
        223-2265;  Email:;                              Elbow Rivers - a site that can still be visited today. The
        Website: or  Granum                    local climate creates an enjoyable atmosphere for busy
                                             Location: At the  junction  of Highways 2 and   summers and action packed winters. Canada’s sunniest
        Taber is a vibrant community surrounded by rich   519, 25 km (15 miles) north of Fort Macleod.    major city averages over 2,400 hours of sunshine per
      farm land in the heart of southern Alberta, recently   Population:  447.  Visitor  Information:  www.  year. In winter, strong warm Chinook winds blowing
      named  the 6th friendliest  community  in Canada  by  from the west commonly raise temperatures by 70    The  area  was originally  homesteaded                     degrees Fahrenheit (almost 40 degrees Celsius) or
      in the late 1890s. Mormon settlers arriving in 1903   Claresholm          more in a matter of hours.
      established  the  railroad  hamlet  generally  believed   Location: Hwy 2; 90 km northwest of Lethbridge,   Calgary is well-known for its western hospitality,
      to be named after Mount  Tabor in the Holy Land,   104 km south of Calgary. Population 3,758.   chef-driven cuisine, classic and quirky theatre, lively
      although it may derive from the first portion of the   Visitor Information: Claresholm & District   music events and outdoor festivals.  The Calgary
      word “tabernacle.”  Coal was mined near the town,   Museum on Highway 2; Phone: (403) 625-3131.  Stampede is a 10-day western extravaganza of rodeo,
      then shipped to Medicine Hat on steamers and narrow                       chuck wagon-races, free pancake breakfasts, square
      gauge  railway.  While  the  1920s saw  a  dramatic   Stavely             dancing, Native exhibition dancing and extensive
      decline in mining activity, major economic recovery   Location: Hwy 2, 96 km northwest of Lethbridge,   agriculture  displays  that  always  kicks  off  with  the
      occurred  in the  following  decade  due to extensive   115 km south of Calgary. Population: 500.   Stampede Parade on the first Friday in July.
      development of irrigation in the formerly dry region.   Visitor  Information:  or www.  Calgary’s world famous zoo has been home to
                                                  endangered species such as Giant Panda, Red Panda,
      Fort Macleod                                                              Whooping Crane and Snow Leopard. A large section
        Location:  Hwys  2 and 3; 32 miles west of   Nanton                     of the zoo consists of an interactive outdoor Prehistoric
                                                                                Park with realistic full scale dinosaurs. Visitors looking
        Lethbridge;  31 miles east of Pincher Creek,   Location:  Highway  2  midway  between  Fort   to stay indoors can visit one of Canada’s leading
        38 miles north of Cardston. Population: 3,200.   Macleod and Calgary. Population: 2,132. Visitor   museums or science centres. The Glenbow Museum
        Visitor Information:  Information:  houses one of the most extensive ethnology collections
                                                                                in the country and an impressive permanent fine arts
        With  an  historical  background  dating  back  to   Vulcan
      1874, Fort Macleod is the oldest settlement  in   Location: On Highway 23, 125 km south of   collection, while Calgary’s Telus Spark Science Centre
                                                                                showcases award winning interactive science displays.
      southern Alberta. This crossroads of travel that once   Calgary. Population: 1,917. Visitor Information:
      hosted Indian encampments, wagon trails and buffalo   Vulcan  Tourism and  Trek Station, 115 Centre   Alberta Badlands/Dinosaur Trail
      grazing grounds offers all the amenities of a modern   Street East, Vulcan, AB T0L 2B0; Phone: (403)
                                                                                  One of the Province’s premiere traveling
      city, providing complete visitor services.    485-2994; Email:;   adventures, this dinosaur-specific route covers all the
                                             Website:     highlights. Starting at Calgary, head north on Hwy 2 to
      Head-Smashed-In                                                           Crossfield, then east on Hwy 72 (which becomes Hwy
                                             Although Vulcan was named by a railway surveyor
      Buffalo Jump                         in  1910  after  the  Roman  god  of  fire,  with  original   9). Be sure to stop at Horseshoe Canyon, Canada’s
        Location: Located 18 km north and west of Fort   streets designating other gods and goddesses of the   mini Grand Canyon, a picturesque pocket of badlands
                                                                                cutting through the prairie exposing more than 70
        Macleod on highway 785; Phone: (403) 553-  classical world, the town’s name has inspired tourism   million years of natural history. Branching south from
        2731; Website:  interest for many years because it is also the same as   Hwy 9, Secondary Road 840 leads to  the charming
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