P. 4


                        1.   Short description
                                A  legend  is  “a  story  or  narrative  that  lies  somewhere  between  myth  and
                             historical  fact  and  which,  as  a  rule,  is  about  a  particular  figure  or  person.”
                             Traditionally,  a  legend  is  a  narrative  that  focuses  on  a  historically  or
                             geographically  specific  figure,  and  describes  his  exploits.  Similar  to  a  myth,  a
                             legend  can  provide  an  etymological  narrative,  often  filling  in  historical
                             gaps.Legends are told to serve a specific purpose, and can be based on facts  but
                             they are not completely true. People mentioned in a legend might not have really

                        2.   Relevancy
                                The  main  objective  of  the  Module  is  to  help  you  in  understanding  the
                             definition  of  genre  text,  which  is  narrative  text,  specifically  in  legend.  By

                             observing  and  identifying  narrative  texts in spoken and written types,  you will
                             study  the  purpose  of  the  narrative  text  or  its  social  function,  as  well  as  the

                             language features that are mostly found in this kind of text. This module tries to

                             dissolve theory and practice with clear pedagogic intent of equipping you with a
                             generative set of knowledge of narrative text.

                        3.   Learning guide

                                In this modul, you will observe a kind of narrative text, namely legend. You
                             will also learn how to write a good legend. To begin with, you are supposed to

                             see  some  examples  of  legend.  You  have  to  analyze  the  generic  structure,  the

                             language feature, as well as the grammar used in this kind of text. You have to
                             know that the main function of this text to create your own-created legend.

                      B. MAIN SECTION

                     1.  LEARNING OUTCOMES
                           a.  Attitude
                             To  internalize,  uphold,  and  put  into  action  religious,  moral,  and  ethical
                             values,  integrity,  accountability,  independence,  tolerance,  care,  mutual  respect,

                             peace, collaboration, and nationalism.

                           b.  Knowledge
                                    1.  To figure out the narrative legend in general

                                    2)   To recognize and describe the outline structures and language features
                                    used in narrative legend.

                                      3) To get detaile information on the text

                                    4) To write a narrative legend by arranging the jumbled sentences.
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