Page 25 - May June 2022 Newsletter FINAL_Neat
P. 25
Continued from page 24
Just Released: APA DSM-5-TR – 20% Discount for Members
Developed with the help of more than 200 subject matter experts, DSM-5-TR includes revised text, clarifi-
cations to diagnostic criteria, incorporation of information on the impact of racism and discrimination on
mental disorders, and updates to ICD-10-CM codes since 2013.
Self-Assessment in Psychiatry
Practicing psychiatrists and residents interested in assessing their level of knowledge regarding current
psychiatric practice and clinical advances can complete the 2022 APA Annual Meeting Self-Assessment
in Psychiatry. The self-assessment is a series of 100 questions developed to self-assess current knowledge
in major topics in psychiatry, providing feedback that can be used to streamline your experience at the
APA Annual Meeting. Members who complete the activity will be able to earn a maximum of 8 AMA
PRA Category 1 Credits™ and self-assessment credit for MOC Part II.
Now Accepting Applications for Fellows of the APA (FAPA) – Deadline September 1
Fellows of the APA (FAPA) are members of a select group dedicated to shaping the role of psychiatry in
our healthcare system. Becoming a Fellow is an honor that reflects your dedication to the profession and
is recognized by your peers as a mark of your leadership in the field of psychiatry. Learn more and, if eli-
gible, apply today.
Review Qualification Requirements
Watch APA’s Video Series on Common Mental Health Disorders
This year, APA is releasing a new series of videos on common mental health disorders. Watch the current
videos on anxiety, depression, knowing the signs of addiction, and the latest video on climate change and
mental health.
Watch Now
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