Page 21 - May June 2022 Newsletter FINAL_Neat
P. 21
Legislative Update
~ By: Paul Yoder, Lobbyist
As you may have seen in the CSAP newsletter on June 17, the Central California
Psychiatric Society has joined the other four California district branches of the
American Psychiatric Association in CSAP. This means that all five California
branches are together again to advocate with one voice before the California
Legislature, and the Newsom Administration! CSAP is ecstatic about this and we
hope all NCPS members are as well. Much more to come now that the five are
together – stay tuned!
Legislative Update
We hope everyone is getting and enjoying the CSAP Newsletter every Friday. If not, please let Maggie
know. Recent newsletters have often touched on CARE Court (SB 1338) developments as well as progress
on Senator Eggman’s eight bill package to reform conservatorship, the LPS Act, etc., and many other
legislative and regulatory developments. In addition to co-sponsoring the Eggman bill package, CSAP has
taken positions this year on approximately 40 other bills. For as much work as the CSAP Government
Affairs Committee and the Board have done, there are still some bills that need consideration later this
month and in July. Below is a sampling of these bills. If you feel strongly about any of them, please contact
Paul Yoder at SYASL. Every members thoughts and input is vital!
AB 662 (Rodriguez) – State Fire Marshal: Peer to Peer Suicide Prevention
This bill would require the State Fire Marshal to establish additional training standards that include the
criteria for curriculum development recommended by the Statewide Training and Education Advisory
Committee involving peer-to-peer suicide prevention programming. The bill would require the State Fire
Marshal to contract with the California Firefighter Joint Apprenticeship Program to develop the curriculum
content criteria. The bill would authorize every paid firefighter assigned to field duties in a state or local
fire department or fire protection or firefighting agency, as well as every paid emergency medical services
responder, to receive the peer-to-peer suicide prevention training, as provided.
AB 2508 (Quirk-Silva) – Pupil Services: Educational Counseling
This bill would urge the governing board of a school district to provide access to a comprehensive
educational counseling program for all pupils enrolled in the school district. The bill would revise and
recast the Legislative intent provision on the services of school counselors. The bill would require
educational counseling to also include certain postsecondary services and would revise and recast those
areas that educational counseling is required to include. The bill would revise the definition of
“educational counseling” for these purposes.
Continued on page 22