Page 60 - Gamification-Flip-Book
P. 60
Complex Sentences
Complex sentences contain two clauses. One is an
independent clause meaning that it can stand alone.
The other is a dependent clause. A dependent clause
cannot stand alone. It would not make sense without
the independent clause. The two clauses are linked
by a subordinating conjunction. We use complex
sentences in conversation, but we use them more
often in writing.
Types of subordinating conjunctions
There are 6 types of subordinating conjunctions. You
will see example sentences using each type. The
dependent clause may come before are after the
independent clause. If the dependent clause comes
first, we separate the clauses with a comma.
1. Contrast: although, even though, while, though
Even though he earns a good salary, he never has
any money. He never has any money is the
independent clause. It could stand alone as a
simple sentence. Even though he earns a good
salary is the dependent clause. It does not make
sense by itself, but it gives the sentence new
meaning when it joined to the independent