Page 10 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 10

Chayei Adam - K’lal 138 - The Laws of Selichos and Erev Rosh Hashana

              their tunes are neither serving Hashem, nor themselves. See what the author of
              the  Tevuos  Shor  writes  in  criticism  of  this  [practice]  especially  for  the  yomim
              noraim.   Woe  to  the  ears  who  hear  [this  chazan]  for  his  entire  focus  is  on
              producing  a  beautiful  tune  as  he  prepared  it  during  the  days  [he  should  have
              been  focusing  on]  examining  himself  and  repenting.   He  doesn’t  focus  on  the
              prayers or requests but instead confuses the listeners and detracts their attention
              from  the  berachos  and  blasts  of  the  shofar.   If  I  would  be  able  to,
              I would abolish this evil custom, and at least anyone who fears Heaven and will be
              listened  to  should  resolve  to  do  so  because  whoever  can  protest…  Hashem
              should atone for them in His mercy.   One who knows that he is not an expert
              and  doesn’t  avoid  inadvertent  sin  shouldn’t  approach  the  service  of  Hashem,
              because  if  he’s  not  fit  or  an  expert,  they  don’t  give  him  credit  like  other
              punishments.   All Jews however are kosher, as long as they are wanted by the
              congregation.   If however, he forces his way into the job, one may not answer
              Amein to his berachos. If one sees that [his serving as chazan] will cause strife, he
              shouldn’t daven even though someone who isn’t fit for the job will.   A mourner
              should not serve as chazan for Rosh Hashana or Yom Kippur  during the entire
              twelve months [of mourning] unless there is no one else, but he may do so during
              selichos, even on erev Rosh Hashana.  A mouner may also serve as chazan on days
              when tachanun is omitted, and even on Rosh Chodesh, up until hallel.   However,
              I  believe  that  the  Gra  wouldn’t  allow  a  mourner  to  daven  Shacharis  on  Rosh

                                                       םדו רשב

              29.    While  a  Chazan  with  a  melodious   30.   Elya   Rabba    quoting   the   Kol
              voice can be inspiring and stir the rest of the   Bo.    According  to  the  text  the  Chayei  Adam
              congregation to teshuva, if his primary focus is   had  before  him,  the  Elya  Rabba  wrote   ןיאו
              the beauty of his voice, he likely won’t inspire   -  ןישנוע ראש ב  ןיפיקמ - that they don’t give him
              them anyway. The Chayei Adam laments those   credit  in  other  punishments,  which  is  not
              who  appoint  a  chazan  whose  musical  talents   understandable.  Instead,  the  Chayei  Adam
              are  his  focus.  Rather,  one  should  choose  a   changes it to  ראש כ (like other…) meaning that
              chazan  who  understands  that  his  talents  are   while Hashem doesn’t punish immediately for
              gifts that he should direct in serving Hashem   most  sins,  and  in  fact  may  wait  several
              and inspiring others to do so.               generations  (Shavuos  39a),  there  are  some

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