Page 15 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 15

םדא            הנשה שאר ברעו תוחילסה ימי ןיד  -     ח"לק ללכ       ייח

              ,םי ִת ֵּמ ַה ן ִמ  ׁש ֵּ קַבְּלּו לֵּ לַ ּפ ְּת ִהְּל ֹות ָּּמַג ְּמ םי ִשָּי אּ ֶ ׁש דֹא ְּמ ר ָּהְּזִנ הֶי ְּהיו    ִ ְּ  4 4   .ןי ִקיִז ַּמ ַה

              לֵּ לַ ּפ ְּתִּי ֶ ׁש אָּּ לא    ֶ     41  ]אי,חי םירבד[ "  םי ִת ֵּמ ַה ל ֶא  ׁש ֵרד ְּו" לַל ְּכ ִב הֶי ְּהִּי ֶ ׁש רָּב ָּד ַה בֹור ָּּ ק ֶ ׁש

              ם ָּ ׁש םי ִב ְּר ַמּו     4 6     .םי ִת ֵּמ ַה םי ִקי ִדַּצ ַה תּוכְּז ִב ד ֶס ֶח ה ֶשֲעַּי ֶ ׁש אּוה ךּורָּּב  ׁשֹוד ָּּ ק ַהְּל

              תֹורֵבֲעַּב ןֵּכ ֶ ׁש לָּּכ ִמּו ,ֹו ּבִל לָּכ ְּב בּו ׁשָּל ֹו ּבִל לַע ם ָּד ָּא לָּּכ םי ִשָּי ְּו .םיִנּונֲח ַת ְּבּו תֹוק ָּד ְּצ ִב
              אָּּ ל ֶא ,ֹורֵבֲח ֵמ הָּלי ִח ְּמ  ׁש ֵּ קַבְּל םי ִרּו ּפ ִכ ַה םֹוי ב ֶר ֶע ד ַע ןי ִת ְּמַי אלו   ְּ  47 ,ֹורֵבֲחַל ם ָּד ָּא ןיֵּב ֶ ׁש
              לּב ְּטִל ם ָּד ָּא לָּכְּל יּוארו    ָּ ְּ  48  .תֹוו ְּצ ִּמַבּו ה ָּרֹו ּתַּב קסֲעַי םֹוּי ַה לָּכ ְּו ,הָּו ְּצ ִמְּל ֹומ ְּצַע םי ִד ְּקַי
               ַחי ִּסַי אלו    ְּ  11  ,םֹוּי ַה תֹוצֲח ם ֶדֹק הָּע ָּ ׁש ד ַע לּב ְּטִל םי ִד ְּקַי אלו    ְּ  11  ,ר ָּהָּּנַּב ֹוא    49  הֶו ְּק ִּמַּב
                                                                           :הָּבּו ׁש ְּת ִמ םֹוּי ַה לָּּכ ֹו ּת ְּע ַד

              ,הָּבּו ׁש ְּת י ֵמְּי ר ָּא ְּ ׁשּו הָּנ ָּ ּ ׁש ַה  ׁשאר ב ֶר ֶע ְּו תֹוחיִל ְּס ִד 'א ל ֶ ׁש ּו ּ ל ֵא םי ִתיִנֲע ַּת ַה ןיד   ִ ּ  ]ו[
                                                    12  )ז"כ ו"כ 'יס ב"לק ללכ(  תיִנֲע ַּת תֹוכְּל ִה ְּב לי ֵעְּל ר ֵאָּּב ְּתִנ
                                                        םדו רשב
              swimming pool since drawn water is sufficient   one in celebration of a bris or a pidyon ha’ben
              for this type of immersion. One who is unable   and he rules that if one knows this in advance,
              to immerse, should have nine kav (a measure   he should fast an extra day earlier, in order to
              ranging  somewhere  between  12.42  liters    (R’   make up the missing fast. However, he refers
              Chaim  Noeh)  and  23  liters  (Chazon  Ish)  of   to  one  who  fast  four  days  before  Rosh
              water  poured  over  him.  According  to  many   Hashana  in  order  to  fast  ten  full  days
              opinions,  a  shower  qualifies  provided  he   culminating in  Yom  Kippur, but this does not
              stands under the water and lets it fall over his   apply  to  the  common  practice  of  fasting  on
              head and run down the body.                  erev  Rosh  Hashana  alone  (as  above).
                                                           Practically,  since  the  custom  to  fast  on  erev
              51.    So that it should be closer to yom tov   Rosh  Hashana  is  with  this  leniency  in  mind,
              but  one  may  immerse  in  the  morning  if  it  is   one  who  is  invited  to  the  bris,  or  those  who
              more practical.                              are  part  of  the  minyan  of  ten  men,  may  eat.
                                                           The father of the baby, the mohel, and sandek
              52.    There, the Chayei Adam addresses the   however, have a  mitzva to eat, as it is a yom
              issue  of  eating  at  a  seudas  mitzvah  such  as   tov for them (Mishna Berura).

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