Page 405 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 405

םדא            בלול ילוספו בלולבש םינימ  ‘ דב םילוספה ןיד  -     ט “ מק ללכ             ייח

              םּו ּ ׁש ִמ םי ִר ְּמֹוא  ׁשֵי ְּו .ר ָּד ָּה ֹוני ֵא ֶ ׁש םּו ּ ׁש ִמ םי ִר ְּמֹוא  ׁשֵי .לּוסָּ ּפ ,ויָּלָּע בר ּו ׁשבָּי   ְּ  ]וט[
              , ׁשֵבָּי א ָּר ְּקִנ אל ְּו .ר ָּד ָּה םּו ּ ׁש ִמ אּוה לוספה ,הֶז י ִפְּל ף ַא ְּד ב ַתָּּכ א"ָּב ְּטי ִר ָּה ְּו .ת ֵמ א ָּר ְּקִנ ְּד
              בר ְּד ,חַל רי ִעָּּב ןי ֵא ֶ ׁש ְּכ הֶז לָּכ ְּו .ןי ִרָּּב ְּ ׁשִנ ְּו ןיִלָּע ֶה ןיִל ְּפֹו ּכ ֶ ׁש ְּכ ֹוא ן ֶרֹ ּפ ִצ ְּב ך ַר ְּפִנ ןֵּכ ם ִא אָּּ ל ֶא
                                                 :      ׁ שֵבָּי ּוהֶז ֹו ּב ֶ ׁש תּוק ְּרַי הֶלָּּכ ֶ ׁש ְּכ ּוהְּל א ָּרי ִב ְּס םי ִק ְּסֹו ּפ
               יִּגַס דַבֲעי ִד ְּבּו .תֹועָּּב ְּצ ֶא ז"ט ן ֵה ֶ ׁש םי ִחָּפ ְּט 'ד םיִנָּ ּפ לָּּכ לַע הֶי ְּהִּי ֶ ׁש ,בָּלּו ּ ל ַה רּועש   ִ ׁ  ]זט[

                                                       םדו רשב
              explain that this is because a dry  lulav is not   lulavim  were  not  easily  available.  Most
              considered  hadar.  As  mentioned  previously   acharonim  understand  the  Rema  as  being
              (see  note  20),  the  Talmud  Yerushalmi  writes   lenient  only  in  extenuating  circumstances,
              that  it  is  posul  because  ‘the  dead  cannot   especially since there is a basis in the gemara
              praise  Hashem’  (based  on  Tehillim  115:117).   (Succah  31a)  for  using  a  dry  lulav  when
              The   Ritva   however   understands   the    nothing else is available. The Kol Bo writes that
              Yerushalmi’s expression as a poetic expression   it  isn’t  considered  dry  unless  it  cracks  when
              and  that  all  agree  that  the  real  issue  here  is   folded in half.  Since lulavim are common, the
              that it lacks in beauty and therefore does not   consensus  of  the  poskim  is  to  rule  in
              qualify as hadar.                            accordance  with  the  opinion  of  the  Raavad
                                                           and  Shulchan  Aruch.  (See  also,  Aruch
              73.    The  Raavad  writes  that  dryness  of  a   Hashulchan who writes that if the lulav’s color
              lulav  is  determined  by  its  appearance,  and   is  restored  by  soaking  it  in  water,  it  is  not
              once the lulav has lost its green color, it is no   considered dry.)
              longer  valid,  and  this  is  indeed  the  ruling  of
              Shulchan Aruch. Tosfos however compares it to   74.   The mishna (Succah 29b) teaches that
              the  ear  of  a  first  born  animal  which  is  not   a  lulav  which  measures  three  tefachim  ‘to
              considered dry (which would disqualify it for a   shake’  is  valid.  However,  the  gemara  (32b)
              korban,  as  blemished)  unless  it  crumbles   explains  that  the  lulav  -  or  according  to  one
              under  the  pressure  of  one’s  fingernail.  The   opinion, its spine - must be at least one tefach
              Rema cites Tosfos’ opinion and writes that the   higher  than  the  hadasim  which  themselves
              custom  is  to  rule  in  accordance  with  it  since   measure  three  tefachim.  In  light  of  this,  the

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