Page 406 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 406
Chayei Adam - K’lal 149 - Pesulim of Daled Minim & Pesulim of the Lulav
measurement is for the spine without the upper leaves, and all the pesulim
mentioned above are only if they are within this measurement. 76
םדו רשב
gemara adjusts the mishna to read ‘three tefachim of the lulav is a matter of dispute: (a)
tefachim AND [a tefach] to shake’. However, Some understand that the fourth tefach of the
the fact that the hadasim must measure three lulav is likewise reduced, and since the three
tefachim is not so straightforward: In the tefachim of the hadasim measure just ten
measurements of Chazal, there are two sizes fingerbreadths, the fourth tefach is also only
of an amah. One measures five tefachim, and three and a third fingerbreadths. Accordingly,
the other measures six. In our gemara, R’ the lulav must measure the width of at least
Tarfon explains that the hadasim must thirteen and one third fingers. (Tur, Ran,
measure three sixths of a five tefach amah (i.e. Rabeinu Yonah); (b) Others understand that
half) which is effectively just two and a half while the three tefachim of the hadasim are
tefachim. How to then understand the four measured by smaller tefachim, the fourth