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Chairside management 101
any tendency for the spring to be trapped over during two successive visits and precedes the
the incisal edge of the tooth by the acrylic is total removal of the occlusal cover. Occasion-
avoided. ally it may be possible to remove occlusal cover
entirely at one appointment when a tooth in
crossbite has corrected sufficiently to allow the
Acrylic posterior teeth into occlusion without trauma
to the newly moved tooth.
Adjustments to the acrylic may be required
from time to time. At each visit it is important
to check that the teeth being moved are free General dental care
from contact with the acrylic and likely to
remain so at least until the next appointment. The state of the oral hygiene must be borne in
When carrying out any trimming to accomplish mind at each appointment and any deficiency
this it must be remembered that allowance has pointed out to the patient and corrected. It is also
to be made for the soft tissue which may be wise from time to time to check that the patient's
heaped up in advance of a moving tooth. visit to the general practitioner for routine
Anterior bite planes may need to be built up inspections and treatment is being continued.
to continue bite opening or possibly to replace
acrylic as a result of occlusal wear. During
incisor retraction, acrylic will need to be Further reading
trimmed from the fitting surface to permit Isaacson, K.G., Thorn, A.R.T. (eds) (2001) Orthodontic Radi-
tooth movement. ographs - Guidelines. British Orthodontic Society, London
Posterior bite planes may need to be Kerr, W.J.S. (1984) Apphance breakages. British Journal of
repaired during use as small fragments break Orthodontics, 11: 137-142
away. They are trimmed to reduce the degree Stewart, F.N., Kerr, W.J.S., Taylor, P.J.S. (1997) Apphance
of bite opening as successful tooth movement wear, the patient's point of view. European Journal of
occurs. Such reduction is usually carried out Orthodontics, 19: 377-382