P. 112

104     Removable  Orthodontic  Appliances
                                                               -  Figure 11.3  A Begg retainer with
                                                                a continuous labial bow and 'U'
                                                                loops (0.8 nnm).

             from  canine  to  canine  might  permit  sponta-  tooth show signs of mobility or relapse. There  is
             neous improvements in the buccal segments but   evidence  that  these  retainers,  like  bonded
             would  also carry  a possible  risk of inhalation.   bridges,  are  much  less  likely  to  suffer bond  fail-
                                                    ure when only two teeth are bonded.

             Bonded  retainers
                                                     Periodontal retainers
             Direct  acid-etched  bonding  technique  allows
             groups  of  teeth  to  be  bonded  together  on  the  Non-metallic  fibre  strips  are  commercially
             lingual  or  palatal  side.  Commercial  retainers  available  for  splinting.  They  are  intended  to
             are  available  and  are  particularly  suited  to  stabilize  teeth  that  have  become  mobile
             holding  two  upper  central  incisors  together  or  because  of advanced periodontal disease.  Such
             maintaining lower anterior tooth position when   material can be used for orthodontic retention.
             bonded to the lower canines. These devices are   It  is  inclined to  spread  vertically  and  encroach
             less  satisfactory  in  controlling  multiple  rota-  on  the  gingival  margins  in  young  patients,
             tions and they can, on occasion, result in decal-  particularly  in  lower  incisors.  For  this  reason
             cification  or  even  caries  if  one  side  becomes  multistrand wires are to be preferred.
             unbonded  while  the  other  remains  firmly
               It  is  probably  better  to  use  custom-made  Retention regime
             bonded  retainers  with  a multi-flex  wire  adapted
             to  the  palatal  surfaces  of  those  teeth  to  be  Retention can be divided in to short-term reten-
             retained. A flexible plastic template can be made   tion, standard retention and long-term retention.
             on  a  vacuum-forming  machine  as  an  aid  in
             correct  location  of the wire  in  an  indirect bond-
             ing  technique.  Such  bonding  should  be  done  Short-term  retention
             under  rubber  dam  to  ensure  a  dry  field  (much
             more  difficult to  achieve  on  the  lingual than the   Following  removable  appliance  treatment  to
             labial  surface)  and  to  guard  against  accidental  correct a reverse overjet, the existing appliance
             inhalation. Chemical or light cured agents can be   can be used to act as  a retainer,  any springs or
             used to bond these retainers. Once this has been   screws being made  passive. The  appliance  can
             achieved  an  impression  should  be  taken  for  a  be  worn  on nights-only basis for 3-6 months.
             removable  retainer  either  of  the  'U'  loop  or
             vacuum-formed type, as appropriate, as an addi-
             tional safeguard. Bonded retainers can be left in
             situ for many years but the patient should be seen   Standard  retention
             from time to time and is given careful instruction   Standard retention would involve  the  fitting of
             to return should any part become unbonded or a   a  custom-built  retainer  which  would  be  worn
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