P. 110

Chapter         11


              Orthodontics  can  only  confer  benefit  to  the  consider,  however,  that  treatment  should  be
              patient  if  tooth  movements  that  are  achieved  based  on the principle of the  relief of crowding
              remain  stable  after  treatment.  A  period  of  and that teeth should be  placed in  a position  of
              retention is  always  necessary  after active treat-  stability  before  retention  is  commenced.  It  is
              ment.  In  a  few  situations  the  corrected  occlu-  physiologically  unsound  to  hold  teeth  in  an
              sion will provide its own retention (for example   unstable  position.
              a  corrected  incisor,  formerly  in  lingual  occlu-  Removable  retainers  have  an important part
              sion,  which  has  good,  positive  overbite)  but  to  play  in  all  forms  of  orthodontic  treatment
              usually  a  period  of  retention  must  be  consid-  and  may be used following removable, fixed or
              ered.                                   functional  appliance  treatment.
                The  aim  of the  retention  phase  is  to  ensure
              that  the  tooth  movements  that  have  been
              carried  out  are  held  while  the  periodontal
              fibres  and  the  surrounding  alveolar bone  reor-  Types of retainers
              ganize.  Treatment  usually  aims  to  achieve  a  Converted  appliance
              stable result, but the work of Little et al.  (1988)
              has shown that crowding is a progressive condi-  The  final  removable  appliance  used  during
              tion  which  may  continue  to  increase  through-  treatment  can  sometimes  be  converted  into  a
              out  life,  with  no  identifiable  predisposing  retainer by deactivating any springs  and adding
              factors. This is particularly marked in the lower   cold-cured  acrylic to  make  them  passive and to
              labial  segment  and,  even  when  the  lower inter   lock  any  screws  into  position.  The  appliance
              canine  width  has  not  been  increased  by  treat-  can  then  be  worn  full  time  for  2-3  months
              ment,  lower  incisor  crowding  may  continue  to  before,  if  necessary,  being  worn  only  at  night
              increase. Patients should be made aware of this   for  a  further  6  months.  This  type  of  retention
              possibility  and  alerted  to  the  fact  that,  even  might  follow,  for  example,  the  correction  of  a
              though  orthodontic  treatment  may  align  the  lingual  crossbite  in  the  mixed  dentition, which
              lower  incisors,  permanent  retention  will  be  is frequently  carried  out  with  an  upper remov-
               necessary if perfect lower incisor alignment is   able appliance using springs or screws.  If molar
               to be  guaranteed  indefinitely.       capping  has  been  used  it  should  be  removed
                At  a  time  when  retention  times  are  tending  before the appliance  is converted to  a  retainer.
              to  increase  and  more  cases  are  being  consid-  If the corrected incisor has an overbite of 2 mm
              ered for permanent retention it might be asked   or more the prognosis  for stability  is  good, but
               whether extractions  are  necessary  and whether   if  the  overbite  is  reduced  then  the  appliance
               treatment  could  not  be  limited  to  non-extrac-  should  be  converted  to  a  retainer  by  the
               tion  alignment  and  permanent  retention.  We  method  described.
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