P. 84

76  Removable Orthodontic Appliances
                                                             Figure 8.16 An appliance to use with
                                                             molar bands. The headgear is applied
                                                             directly to the tubes on the bands. The
                                                             unsupported  springs  (0.6  nnm)  should
                                                             only be activated by 1-2 mm.

              Points  to note                        and  alignment  of  the  lateral  incisors  can  be
             The  removable  appliance  is worn  full time and   carried out. A 'U' loop labial bow may be appro-
             enhances  the  effect  of the  headgear,  which  is  priate  to  align the  lateral  incisors - but  only  if a
             being applied  directly  to the  molar bands.  It is   limited  amount  of  control  of  rotation  can  be
             particularly useful when unilateral distal move-  achieved.  In  a  growing  patient,  some  improve-
             ment of a molar is required. In such a case only   ment in the interincisor angulation may be found
             a  unilateral  spring is  necessary  with  the  molar  as  a  result  of  some  proclination  of  the  upper
             on  the  opposite  side  being  clasped, with  a  incisors during the overbite reduction stage.
             flyover  clasp.                           The  upper lateral incisors have  an inherent
                                                     tendency  to  relapse  and  will  require  perici-
                                                     sion  and  long-term  retention  following  align-
             Class II division 2 malocclusion        ment.
              Only  a  small  proportion  of  such  cases  are
              amenable  to  removable  appliance  treatment.  References
              Where the overbite is increased and potentially
              traumatic,  fixed  appliances  will  be  usually  Stephens,  C D . (1983) Factors affecting the rate of sponta-
              necessary to establish  a satisfactory interincisor   neous space closure at the site of extracted mandibular
                                                       first  premolars.  British  Journal  of  Orthodontics,  10:
              angle.  If, however, the overbite is increased but   93-97
              not  potentially  traumatic  and  the  upper  arch
              crowding  is  relatively  mild  with  a  good  lower
              arch then a class II  division 2 malocclusion can   Further reading
              be  treated  utilizing  a  distal  movement  tech-
              nique.                                 Battagel, J.M., Ryan, A. (1998) Treatment changes in class
               Cases  where  there  is  sufficient  crowding  to  I  and  mild  class  II  malocclusions  using  the  en-masse
              warrant  premolar  extractions,  either  in  both  appliance.  European Journal  of Orthodontics,  20:  5-15
              arches or the upper arch alone are not suitable for   Cetlin,  N.M.,  ten  Hove,  A.  (1983)  Non  extraction  treat-
              removable  appliance  treatment.  Extraoral  ment.  Journal of Clinical  Orthodontics,  17:  396-413
                                                     Orton,  H.S.,  Battagel, J.M.,  Ferguson,  R., Ferman,  A.M.
              support will be  necessary- to achieve distal move-
              ment of the buccal segments to a class I relation-  (1996). Distal movemeul of buccal segments with the en-
                                                       masse  appliance.  American Journal  of  Orthodontics,
              ship but normally a full-time removable appliance   109: 379-385
              will be indicated as overbite reduction is likely to
                                                     Stephens, CD., Lloyd, T.G. (1980) Changes in molar occlu-
              be necessary and it is difficult to achieve this with   sion  after extraction of all first pre-molars,  a follow up
              partial  wear.  Once  the  molar  relationship  is  study of class II division 1 cases treated with removable
              corrected  to  a  class  I  then  retraction  of canines   appliances.  British  Journal of Orthodontics,  7:  139-144
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