P. 86

78 Removable Orthodontic Appliances
                Even  a reversed overjet on four incisors may be   - ula. Once an overbite has been established this
                treatable  if there  is a displacing activity.   measure  is not usually  successful  and  an  appli-
                                                       ance  will  be  required.  Provided  there  is  a
                                                       displacing  activity,  it  is  sensible  to  consider
                Incisor angulation                     early  appliance  treatment  to  avoid  traumatic
                The  upper  incisors  should,  ideally,  be  slightly  occlusion  with  the  lower  incisors.  This  may  be
                retroclincd  or  of  average  axial  inclination.  associated with gingival recession  and unsightly
                Retroclined upper incisors are  suited  to procli-  attrition to the labial faces of the upper incisors.
                nation  with  removable  appliances.  The  lower  Early  treatment  also  reduces  the  chance  that
                labial  segment  should  have  an  average  axial  later  erupting  teeth  may  develop  in  lingual
                inclination  or  be  slightly proclined.   occlusion.
                                                         When  early  treatment  is  to  be  carried  out,
                                                       the  parents  should  be  informed  that  this  is  an
                Buccal crossbite
                                                       interceptive  phase  of treatment  which  aims  to
                A unilateral crossbite often accompanies a mild   deal with local problems  and that further treat-
                class  III  occlusion.  If  there  is  an  associated  ment  may  be  required  when  the  permanent
                displacement  of  the  mandible  to  one  side,  the  dentition is established.
                patient  should be  examined with the  mandible  Upper lateral incisors, which erupt palatally,
                in  the  non-displaced  position.  A  unilateral  are  a  sign of crowding.  If this  is detected early,
                crossbite  associated  with  a  mild  skeletal  class  extraction  of the  deciduous  canines,  while  the
                III  pattern  and  with  only  one  incisor  in  cross-  lateral incisors are erupting may  .allow sponta-
                bite, may  still  be  favourable  for correction.   neous correction.  Usually, however, the lateral
                                                       incisors will need to be proclined with  an appli-
                                                       ance.  Such  movement  should  be  undertaken
                Lower arch considerations              when  the  unerupted  canines  are  still  high  and
                Ideally, the lower arch should be well aligned -  before  they  have  moved  down  labial  to  the
                this is  a common feature of class III occlusions   roots  of the lateral  incisors.  If this has  already
                and relates to the size of the mandible. In some   happened,  correction  of  the  lateral  incisors
                cases,  where  the  reverse  overjet  is  largely  a  must be delayed until such time as it is possible
                feature  of  crowding,  lower  canine  and  incisor  to retract the canines.
                crowding  may  be  sufficient  to  justify  first  Correction of a reverse overjet can be consid-
                premolar  extractions.  Spontaneous  alignment  ered  in  the  later  stages  of the  mixed  dentition
                of the  crowded  lower  incisors  will occur  in the   but, as the permanent dentition becomes estab-
                growing patient.  This  is  aided  by  the  fitting of   lished there is an increasing chance of an under-
                an  upper  removable  appliance  with  molar  lying  marked  skeletal  discrepancy  becoming
                capping  which  will  help  to  eliminate  the  apparent.
                displacement  and  allow  crowded  and  labially  Surprisingly,  some  adult  patients  may  still
                placed  incisors to  align  lingually.  have  an  untreated  reverse  overjet  associated
                                                       with  a displacement.  Correction  with  a  remov-
                                                       able appliance may  still be  appropriate.
                Age factors
                One  of the  commonest  interceptive treatments
                in the early mixed dentition is the correction of   Unfavourable  factors
                a  reverse  overjet  on  recently  erupted  central
                incisors.                              Skeletal pattern
                  An  upper central incisor may erupt in lingual   Where  there  is  no  displacing  activity,  the
                occlusion  because  it  has  been  deflected  underlying  skeletal  pattern  will  be  a  more
                palalally  by  delayed  shedding  of  its  predeces-  definite  class  III,  which  may  be  due  to  over-
                sor,  or  because  of  a  slightly  abnormal  path  of  development of the mandible,  under-develop-
                eruption.  If the  palatal deflection is recognized   ment  of  the  maxilla,  or  a  combination  of
                before the  tooth has reached the  occlusal level,   both.  The  Frankfort  mandibular  planes  angle
                it  may  be  possible  to  correct  it  simply  by  is  frequently  high  in  the  more  severe  skeletal
                extracting  the  retained  deciduous  tooth  and  III  patterns  and  such patients  are  more  likely
                instructing the patient to bite on  a tongue spat-  to  grow  unfavourably  during  adolescence.
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