P. 87

Class  III  malocclusions  79

                  Figure 9.2  (a) A unilateral crossbite with a displacement of the mandible results in a centre-line shift, (b)
                  Examination of the patient in the non-displaced position may demonstrate an underlying mild class III skeletal

                  Overbite and  overjet                  reverts  to  closure  in  centric  and  the  prog-
                                                         nathism  is  apparent  (Figure  9.2).  A  unilateral
                  In the absence of a displacing activity and when
                  the  patient  cannot  readily  obtain  an  edge-to-  crossbite with two or more  incisors in reversed
                  edge  incisor  relationship,  successful  correction
                  is  unlikely  with  removable  appliances.  Even  with removable  appliances.
                  when  the  patient  is  able  to  bite  edge-to-edge,  A  bilateral  crossbite  normally  has  to  be
                   the  prognosis  will  depend  on  the  incisor  incli-  accepted and may be an indication of an under-
                   nation  and  the  amount  of  overbite  present.  lying  skeletal  pattern,  which  is  too  severe  to
                   Where the overbite is reduced, the prospect for   respond to  simple treatment.
                   a stable long-term correction  may be poor even
                   if there  is  a mandibular displacement.
                    If the incisor inclination already compensates   Age factors
                   for the class III skeletal pattern (with the upper   If  a  reversed  overjet  is  present  in  the  estab-
                   incisors  proclined  and  the  lower  incisors  retro-  lished  permanent  dentition  the  considerations
                   clined),  further  labial  movement  of  the  upper  of  skeletal  pattern,  incisor  angulation  and
                   incisors will often produce a traumatic relation-  displacement  will  be  particularly  important.  In
                   ship with the lower incisors.  In such  a situation   the  pre-pubertal  patient  the  possibility  of
                   it  is  unlikely  that  a  stable  incisor  relationship  further  mandibular  growth  must  be  an  impor-
                   can  be  achieved  by  orthodontic  treatment  tant consideration.
                   alone.                                  A  single,  crowded,  upper  lateral  incisor  in
                                                          crossbite,  in  the  established  dentition,  may  be
                                                          difficult  to  correct  with  a  removable  appliance
                   Buccal crossbite
                                                          alone  as  these  palatally  placed  incisors  are
                   A  unilateral  crossbite  can  disguise  an  underly-  usually  associated  with  a  centre-line  shift
                   ing  class  III  skeletal  pattern  because  the  (Figure  9.3).
                   displacement  causes  the  mandible  to  move  Upper  lateral  incisors  in  lingual  occlusion
                   slightly  to  one  side  on  closure  producing  an  and  with  an  increased  overbite  are  frequently
                   effective  shortening  of  its  length.  When  the  associated  with  an  anterior displacement of the
                   displacement  is  eliminated  the  mandible  mandible  on  closure,  due  to  a  premature
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