Page 6 - FEN Course Catalog_2020
P. 6
An Introduction to Financial Empowerment
Household Financial CEU Credit: Pending
Security Framework Time: 6 hours
Training Purpose:
Prosperity Now created the Household 1. To provide an overview of financial empowerment, why it matters, and resources that can
Financial Security Framework as a tool assist in improving client outcomes.
to convey the complexity of financial 2. An understanding of local data on household financial health such as—Asset Poverty,
strategies and to look holistically at Liquid Asset Poverty, Income Poverty, Unbanked, and Underbanked.
a household’s financial well-being. 3. An understanding of the Household Financial Security Framework and its use to convey
The Financial Empowerment Network financial security.
offers ongoing continuing education to 4. Identify opportunities to address gaps in existing service deliveries.
address these strategies and to build 5. Knowledge of the benefit of a cash flow budget for improving credit, reducing expenses,
professional capacity to deal with the and assisting in saving.
multi-faceted issues that influence the
financial health of the clients they are By the end of the training, you will be able to:
moving forward along the financial 1. Define Financial Empowerment and locate poverty hotspots.
continuum suggested in the 2. Identify strategies for integrating financial empowerment into your service delivery.
Framework’s pathway shown below.
3. Create a cash flow budget to improve credit, reduce debt, and open the door for clients to
Navigate save.
“Know how the financial system works 4. Know where to find client resources and how to expand your referral network.
and how to gather financial information
and analyze choices to make beneficial
financial decisions and manage
household resources effectively.“
“Acquire the basic skills, executive
function, and specific job skills needed
to access quality employment.”
“Earn sufficient income to cover
expenses and save; may include wages,
employer benefits, business income,
public benefits, tax credits and Bridges Out of Poverty
investment income.”
Time: 6 hours
Save Workshop Material Cost: $12.00 — Bridges Out of Poverty Workbook
“Set aside household income left over
after meeting basic needs and paying
down debt for emergencies and Training Purpose:
long-term savings for assets, college The workshop will bring the Bridges constructs into focus and allow attendees to experience
savings, and retirement savings.” the complete spectrum from all perspectives and roles. This workshop will benefit those
Own who primarily work with people living in poverty designing programs and developing
“Acquire a home, business, investments, institutional procedures and policies, those who work to knit together community programs
and other assets that help build and initiatives, and those who are systems movers and policy developers at the community
financial security and wealth.” level, state level, and beyond.
Protect The workshop will use interactive approaches that coach all of us—individuals, agencies, and
“Protect—through insurance, consumer communities—toward change. This change includes how we establish, build, and guard
protections, financial service regulations,
and other services and policies—what relationships of mutual respect in diverse settings, co-investigate realities together, and
households earn, save and own against listen to one another in new ways.
loss of income or assets, significant
expenses and predatory practices.” By the end of the training, you will be able to:
1. Gain a deep understanding of the Bridge’s strategies and processes.
resources/household-financial-security- 2. Develop effective poverty reduction strategies for your organization and community.
framework-full-text-graphic, 6/16/2019 3. Network with and learn from others passionate about ending poverty.
4. Become an agent of change for your organization and community.
5. Tailor the Bridges strategies to your organization’s needs.