Page 18 - WAD Member Directory 2019 (April)
P. 18

Section 8.  All wives and/or husbands of members of any class, their children, or their guests may attend the regular meeting of
        the Association upon payment of the established registration fee for non-members and then shall be accorded every privilege
        of an Active Member except the following limitations or exceptions:

            a)  They shall not vote nor have voice privileges;
            b)  They shall not sit in attendance at any executive session meetings except that authorization by a majority of members
               of the Board of the Directors, specified person(s) may sit in attendance.

        Section 9.  The Meetings shall include, but not be limited to, the following agenda items:

             a)  Call to Order;
             b)  Roll Call (names of members who have registered to be called only);
             c)  Set time for the election of Officers and Directors;
             d)  Set the time for the ratification of the Designated Directors;
             e)  Reading of the Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting;
             f)  Address by the President;
             g)  Reports of the Vice Presidents;
             h)  Report of the Executive Director;
             i)   Report of the Chairman of the Board of Directors;
             j)   Report of the Standing Committee;
             k)  Report of the Special Committees;
             l)   Unfinished Business;
            m)  Election of the Officers and the Directors (if any)
             n)  New Business;
             o) Report of the Conference Chairman of the next Annual Conference;
             p)  Good and Welfare of the Association;
             q)  Adjournment.

        Section 10.  All members when speaking or offering a motion shall rise in their place and give their name, city and state or
        province and country to the presiding Officer and shall resume their seat.  While speaking on a subject they shall confine
        themselves to the question under debate, avoiding all personalities and indecorous language. No member of the Association
        will be permitted to speak more than once at any meeting on the same subject until all members who desire to speak on the
        same subject have been heard.

        Section 11.  Any action that may be taken at a Regular or Special Meeting of the members may be taken without a meeting if
        the Association mails or delivers a written ballot to every member entitled to vote on the matter. The ballot must set forth each
        proposed action and provide an opportunity to vote for or against such proposed action.  Approval by written ballot is valid
        only when the number of votes cast by ballot equals or exceeds the quorum required to be present at a meeting authorized in
        the action and the number of approvals equals or exceeds the number of votes that would be required to approve the matter
        at a meeting at which the total number of votes cast was the same as the number of votes cast by ballot. The solicitation for
        votes by written ballot must indicate the number of responses needed to meet the requirements of a quorum, the percentage
        of approval necessary to approve each matter, and specify the time by which a ballot must be received to be counted. A written
        ballot may not be revoked.

        Section 12.  A Special Meeting of the members shall be called by the President, the Board of Directors, or upon a demand of
        more than five (5%) percent of the members.  Any demand must state the purpose for the meeting and must be signed, dated
        and delivered to the Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Association. Notice of the Special Meeting shall be in writing and
        signed by the Director designated by the Board of Directors and the Notice must state the purpose for the meeting, the time and
        place where the meeting would be held. The Notice shall be delivered personally or mailed or emailed to each member entitled
        to vote at the meeting not less than ten (10) nor more than sixty (60) days before such meeting.

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