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Stepping into the new year, we carry with us
new aspirations and a renewed commitment
to advancing our profession. To remain
relevant, there is a need to embrace the
dawn of innovative technologies and Submissions ©. All expressions
harness these innovations to enhance our of opinions and statements are
capabilities that are reshaping the landscape published on the authority of
of investigation and security. the writer over whose signature
they appear and cannot be
As we look ahead, let us unite our efforts to regarded as expressing the
push the boundaries of what is possible. Let views or policies of the World
us foster an environment where knowledge Association of Detectives
is shared freely, where mentorship flourishes, (W.A.D).
and where every member feels valued and
empowered. Our collective strength lies in W.A.D. accepts no responsibility
our ability to adapt, innovate, and support for errors or omissions, or any
one another. loss, damage or claim as a result
of such errors or omissions. No
We encourage each of you to actively portion of this publication may
As the curtain falls on another year, we participate in W.A.D’s activities, especially be reproduced without the
find ourselves reflecting the remarkable the 100th year celebration in Chicago next written permission of W.A.D.
journey of the past year in our profession, September and seize the opportunities Acceptance of advertising
our accomplishments, and the moments expanding your network and connectivity. does not constitute W.A.D’s
we were able to gather and meet as endorsement or warranty of
members of W.A.D. The milestones we Here’s to a year of new beginnings, boundless any products or services. All
achieved have set a standard of excellence possibilities, and unwavering unity. Let rights reserved.
and the professionalism demonstrated by us continue to uphold the legacy of the
our members have been nothing short of World Association of Detectives and inspire
inspiring. Through the display of camaraderie, future generations with our commitment to
we are filled with a deep sense of pride being excellence.
members of W.A.D.
Wishing you all a prosperous new year filled
W.A.D has always thrived on the foundation with good health, happiness and success.
of global friendship and continue to build
a diverse and dynamic community that Warm regards,
upholds the highest standards of integrity
and professionalism.
Siti Naidu
In strengthening this unique rich tradition
of collaboration, we open our doors to new Editor
members who bring fresh perspectives in the We welcome readers’ comments.
spirit of inclusivity. You may email to the Editor your contributions. | Nov 2024 3