Page 7 - WBG NOV2024
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                                                      Recently, WAD had its 99th Annual Meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malysia.
                                                      With the expert assistance of Siti Nadu, the meeting was a hit with a
                                                      great attendance, speakers, and social activities. I enjoyed seeing all my
                                                      WAD friends, colleagues, and family members.

                                                      I also want to thank you for your vote in electing me President of our
                                                      beloved association. I am humbled by the support and am eager to
                                                      get to work. I am also very proud to be surround by such experienced
                                                      leaders in our association with 1st Vice President Phillip Ryffel, 2nd Vice
                                                      President Juan Giraldo, and our newly elected 3rd Vice President Roger
                                                      Bescoby.  Their work for the association is unmatched and I appreciate
                                                      all that they do. I also want to specifically thank our outgoing President
                                                      R.P. Chuahan. R.P has been a wonderful asset the association.

                                                      As we close out the end of the year, we are a bit closer to WAD’s
                                                      100th birthday. Soon, we will all be celebrating the achievement of
                                                      our beloved institution. Please mark your calendars now for our 100th
                                                      meeting in Chicago, Illinois on September 2nd – 6th, 2025. More
                                                      importantly, we ask you to please consider supporting the WAD in
                                                      our ongoing $100 for the 100th fund raising campaign. You can make
                                                      those donations directly through WAD, your membership renewal, or
                                                      our 100th website at If you have an  interest in
                                                      donating or participating in our 100th meeting, please contact me at

                                                      However, prior to our annual meeting, we will have our 2025 mid-term
                                                      meeting in Lisbon, Portugal. Please consider joining us in an idyllic
                                                      location with your WAD friends and colleagues from April 30th to May
                                                      4th, 2025. We are sure to have a wonderful time.

                                                      Again, I appreciate your support and look forward to working on your
                                                      behalf over the next year. Thank you and see you soon in Lisbon!

                                                      Wes Bearden

                                                      World Association of Detectives.

                                                      “A Global Alliance of Investigators  and Security Professionals”

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