Page 12 - WBG NOV2024
P. 12
Dear Members,
Holiday Greetings and Happy New Year to all of our WAD
Family around the world.
Many of our members criss-crossed around Asia before
gathering in Malaysia for out 99th Annual Conference in
September. Past President Siti Naidu left no stone unturned
as our host. It was nice to see so many of you there having a
wonderful time in Kuala Lumpur. Congratulations to our newly
elected Officers and Board Members.
The city has doubled in size and population since our last
conference there in 2000. Venues that were outside of the
city at that time are now right in the midst of things. We were
surrounded by modern skyscrapers, shopping centers, and
wonderful restaurants. The Grand Hyatt was an amazing hotel
in the heart of the city.
Our next gathering will be at our Midterm Meeting in Lisbon,
Portugal. Please reserve the dates of April 30 to May 4 on your
calendar. The Tivoli Avenida Liberdade is located just a 5 or
6 block walk from Old Town which is packed with historical
sites, museums, shops, and restaurants. You will want to find a
location there where you can do a port wine tasting and bring
home a treat. I chose Taylor’s Port Cellar, but From the Vine is
closer to the hotel.
Lisbon will be our last meeting before we meet in Chicago
for our Grand 100th Celebration at the Drake Hotel from
September 2 to 7. The National Council of Investigation and
Security Services will hold their Annual Meeting on September
2. It was a group of WAD Members that founded NCISS almost
50 years ago. CII just informed us that they will be holding their
Annual Conference in Chicago a week prior at a nearby hotel.
You will be notified through our listserv of the upcoming events.
Hotel reservation links will also be shared online as soon as
they are available.
Bob Heales
Executive Director and Association Manager
10 W.A.D Beyond Global