Page 27 - Volume 2_CHANGES_merged_with links
P. 27
Some Key Terms
Default-Trap Diplomacy 20
Debt-trap diplomacy is carried out in bilateral relations between countries with a negative
intent. The creditor country intentionally extends excessive credit to a debtor country
thereby inducing the debtor into a debt trap. This is done with the intention of extracting
economic or political concessions from the debtor country when it becomes unable to
honour its debt. The conditions of the loans are often not made public, and the borrowed
money commonly pays contractors from the creditor country
"Debt-Trap Diplomacy"
Democracy 21
Democracy is a system of government in which people choose their rulers by voting for
them in elections.
Collins Dictionary
Democracy Ranking 22
The Democracy Ranking is an index compiled by the Association for Development and
Advancement of the Democracy Award, an Austria-based non-partisan organization
VARIABLES : Political System, Economy, Environment, Gender Equality, Health,
Knowledge, Gender Comprehensive
"Democracy Ranking."
Developing Country 23
A developing country (or a low and middle-income country (LMIC), less developed
country, less economically developed country (LEDC), medium-industrialized country or
underdeveloped country) is a country with a less developed industrial base (industries)
and a low Human Development Index (HDI) relative to other countries. However, this
definition is not universally agreed upon.
"Developing Country"
Development Aid 24
Money that rich countries give to poorer ones to help them develop
Cambridge English Dictionary.