Page 16 - 2022 Mid-Year Program Book
P. 16


                           Monday, May 2                                           Tuesday, May 3

          Program Administrator Town Hall:                         Women’s Networking Group Lunch –
          PA/Carrier Contracts – Protecting Your Future            Preparing Future Leaders
          2:00 PM – Commonwealth Ballroom,                         11:45 AM – Harbor Ballroom 1,
          Concourse Level                                          Conference Level
          Moderator: Greg Thompson, PA Consultant                  Moderator: Heidi Strommen, ProHost USA

          Rekha Skantharaja, Tangram                               Lisa Doherty, Business Risk Partners
          Dan Beaudette, NFP                                       Amy Malanaphy, Allianz
          Martin Ween, Wilson Elser                                Stacy St. Onge, Smith & Wilkinson

          As the insurance industry changes with new capacity and   Rising Stars: Krissy Kyjovsky, Katie Vespia,
          technology, and as PA valuations continue to soar, the risks   Ann McColgan, Joan Bauer
          and rewards contained in contract language have risen for
          both program administrators and carriers. This workshop   Hear from three experienced panelists as they share
          will explore the critical elements of these contracts from   the secrets to success of women leaders. These leaders
          both the PA and carrier perspectives, and factor in evolving   will lower the ladder to rising stars as they inquire about
          changes in these legal documents. The fast-growing area of   techniques for achieving career goals, self-promotion,
          fronting carriers and the resulting impact on PA contractual   mentorship, bridging the gap, and steps to address DE&I
          exposure to risk will also be touched upon.              during an interview.
          Attendees should expect to gain valuable insight into
          identifying critical issues where both sides might reach an   Assessing Financial Strength of Fronting
          impasse, and alternative approaches that are more likely to   Companies & Reinsurers
          satisfy both parties.                                    2:00 PM – Commonwealth Ballroom,

          Key topics will include, but not be limited to:          Concourse Level
             • Ownership of Information                            David Paul, ALIRT Research
             • Expirations                                         Pete Chandler, BMS Re US
             • Claims Data                                         Over the past several years, as P&C insurance rates began

             • Rates/Forms                                         to rise and legacy insurers became more selective about
                                                                   their program activity, the fronting model has gained in
             • Hold Harmless/Indemnification
                                                                   popularity. ALIRT notes that eight new U.S. insurers have
             • Exclusivity                                         entered the fronting market over the past five years, with a
             • Compensation                                        number established over just the past year and a half.

             • Termination/Suspension                              Given the potential attractiveness of the fronting model to
                                                                   program administrators seeking to establish more “sticky”
             • Financial Guarantees to Carrier
                                                                   insurance partners as well as to access alternative pools of
             • Run-Off Provisions                                  capital that can lie behind the fronting carriers (reinsurance
          Administrators and carriers are encouraged to bring their   and alternative), ALIRT is offering to present on this topic.
          questions and experiences to share and discuss.          The presentation will address the following topics:

                                                                      • Types of fronting carriers (i.e., full-time fronts, partial

                                                                      • List of active fronting insurers and ownership
                                                                      • Ratings profile

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