Page 2 - Policies and Procedures
P. 2



Hopess will ensure the well-being of residents and staff by regulating when visitors and off-duty staff are
on property. Off-duty staff members are to refrain from coming on property unless they have checked
with their immediate supervisor. This is to ensure that provisions are in place to keep everyone safe as
well as to protect facility property from theft, damage, or vandalism.


                  1. Off-duty employees must have permission from their supervisor before coming onto
                      property. Non-approved visitors are prohibited from entering or loitering on the
                      premises. If such a person declines to leave the property, the Police Department is
                      called to escort the person from the property.

                  2. During regular business hours, all visitors must sign in and check in with staff. Visitors
                      that remain on property during a shift change will be communicated by the outgoing to
                      the oncoming shift. Staff members are responsible for knowing at all times who is on
                      property and the business they are conducting.

                  3. All residents will enter the facility and check in with staff upon their return. Belongings
                      will be searched. New admits will check in at the staff office and are subject to search
                      of person and belongings.

                  4. Hopess does not employ security staff but rather relies on the Police via the 911
                      mechanism for prompt backup and support to handle episodes violence towards others.
                      In potentially volatile situations, all appropriate actions will be taken to diffuse the
                      situation. This may involve transferring or discharging a resident.

                  5. The facility is not a locked facility. Outdoor lights are operative. Burned out bulbs are
                      promptly replaced in the course of regular facility checks.

                  6. The facility has a security camera that monitors activity in the common areas.

7. VISITING HOURS: All visitors must be pre-approved. Unapproved visitors are not
    permitted. Drop-offs are not a time to visit. Visitors must be outside of programming
    hours. Therefore, unless programming changes, visiting hours are 7 days a week 12pm
    -3pm or 5pm to 7pm. Visiting hours outside of these times can be pre-arranged with
    clinical staff.


Hopess – Policy and Procedure Manual
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