Page 40 - Policies and Procedures
P. 40
The Agency will seek to ensure ongoing care and treatment for all residents discharging from the
A. Discharges
1. A resident may be discharged from the program for successful completion of treatment or
upon needs or request of the resident and family. A resident may also be discharged if
services are no longer appropriate due to a medical condition, if the resident presents with
a high level of psychiatric acuity, the resident has needs outside of the scope of services
provided, if the Treatment Team determines the referral will be beneficial to the resident.
2. Residents may be involuntarily discharged due to acts of violence or threats of violence;
selling, using, or buying any illegal substances on premises; non-compliance of program
rules that results in an observable, negative impact on other residents or staff members; or
the determination by the Treatment Team determines that services are no longer
appropriate. Other reasons for involuntary discharge may be due to a medical condition
or if the resident presents with a high level of psychiatric acuity. Residents who are
involuntarily discharged must be provided a written notice of the right to file a grievance
and a copy of the grievance policy and procedure.
B. Discharge Planning
1. The agency will invite the resident and resident’s guardian, if applicable to participate in
discharge planning and the agency will work with the resident or the resident’s guardian
to establish goals and objectives for the resident in preparation for the resident’s
discharge. The invitation and the participation will be documented in the resident’s
2. Discharge planning must include:
a. Any treatment or specific need a resident may need after discharge;
b. A description of the level of care that may beet the resident’s assessed and
anticipated needs;
c. Any documented information that is provided by a health care institution that is
relevant to a resident’s medical condition or behavioral health issue.
HOPESS – Policy and Procedure Manual