Page 45 - Policies and Procedures
P. 45
Hostage situation
Mass casualty incident
Act of terrorism (chemical, biological, radiological/nuclear)
Civil disorder (riot, strike)
Workplace violence
Active Shooter
Disease Related Events
Catastrophic Disaster
For the purpose of this plan, a catastrophic disaster is an event or incident which produces sever damage
or destruction of such a magnitude that services can no longer be rendered in the facility.
1. In the event of a catastrophic disaster, the disaster response team will contact Hopess general
liability insurance carrier.
2. If possible, the disaster response team will videotape or photograph all areas where there are
damaged records/data for insurance and legal purposes
3. The disaster response team will coordinate activities needed for emergency expenditures and
contracts and will ensure that correct records are kept for insurance claims.
Tornado Plan
1. The facility or personnel will be alerted of “tornado warnings” by Community Alert Systems
and/or news media.
2. The Executive Director will be notified, it not already. The Executive Director, or designee, will
continue to listen to the weather radio, television, and other web-based reporting for monitoring.
3. All personnel in resident areas will assist in:
Closing windows, blinds, and drapes, and warning everyone (including visitors and
staff) to stay away from the windows.
Moving residents away from windows and covering residents with extra blankets and
Reviewing the Evacuation and Disaster Plan if evacuation becomes necessary.
Hopess – Policy and Procedure Manual