Page 46 - Policies and Procedures
P. 46
Instructing fellow staff and visitors of the need to stay away from the windows.
Everyone should remain in the building(s) and move to central hallways, as the
building offers shelter.
4. After confirming no further severe weather activity is going to occur, the residents, visitors and
staff will be accounted for and medical treatment provided if needed.
5. Staff will inspect all equipment and report damage to the Executive Director, unless already on
6. Staff will verify inventory resources and supplies (water, dietary, medication, etc.) and to
determine damage to these resources. A report is given to the Executive Director and if damage
has occurred, arrangements are made to replenish.
Continuing Critical Agency Functions
1. As soon as possible following the disaster, Hopess will attempt to resume the critical information
functions described below. The exclusive use of paper recordkeeping may be required until normal
information system operation can be resumed.
Critical Information Function Emergency Mode Operation Plan
Master resident index Maintain handwritten records until the
Current resident medical records electronic system is restored.
Closed resident records Move to a secure, undamaged location (on-site
Resident records stored or off-site). Continue maintaining written
Accounting and personnel / payroll records records.
Move to a secure, undamaged location (on-site
Telephone communication or off-site).
Access back-up data from stored records if
need be.
Time sheets are handwritten then transferred
to ADP at time of payroll. Time sheets may
need to be re-done. Schedules are posted at
each site and previous schedules are kept at
each site location in the event these need to be
accessed for time sheet creation.
Use cell phones or 2-way radio.
Immediate Recovery of Water-Damaged Paper Documents
1. Stabilize the environment by stabilizing the temperature and relative humidity as soon as possible.
If possible, reduce the temperature to 50º - 60º F.
2. To reduce mold growth, leave the lights on and create air movement.
Hopess – Policy and Procedure Manual