Page 51 - Policies and Procedures
P. 51



It shall be the policy of Hopess to provide private, quiet areas to assist residents in managing
their anger or anxiety that may be manifested as aggressive behavior toward others or the
environment, or in behaviors which are disruptive to the therapeutic environment. Use of a quiet
room or any other area for time out may be initiated by the resident or suggested by a staff
member, but at no time shall a resident be forced to stay in a quiet room by use of a locked door or
physical force of staff members. "Time out" shall be utilized only as a therapeutic modality and
never as a means of punishment or discipline.


    1. Quiet Room: A designated room that provides the resident an area of decreased stimulation
        and privacy.

    2. Time Out: A therapeutic modality utilizing the separation of the resident from others in the
        environment to aid in gaining control of his/her feelings and behaviors. A time out may be
        taken in a designated quiet room, or in any other area on property that is supervised by staff
        and that provides the resident with decreased stimuli and privacy. Time out may be initiated
        by either the resident or suggested by staff.

Staff-Initiated Time Out
    1. The use of a designated quiet room or other area for the purpose of encouraging a resident
        to take a "Time Out" shall be initiated by staff using the following criteria.

    a. The resident’s behavior is such that he/she is disruptive to the environment due to verbal or
        physical aggression, threats to harm others or property, or extremely agitated behavior
        related to psychiatric phenomenon.

    b. Alternative less restrictive measure to assist the resident in gaining control have been
        attempted, i.e. verbal intervention, relaxation, or other similar techniques if appropriate for
        the resident, etc.

    c. The resident’s behavior does not represent an imminent danger to self or others as to warrant
        calling emergency services.

    2. Staff initiated time out requires the resident’s cooperation. Under no circumstances may time
        out be forced or the resident coerced.


Hopess – Policy and Procedure Manual
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