Page 48 - Policies and Procedures
P. 48
Telephone Communication
1. Hopess will communicate via company and personal cellular telephones if the phone lines are not
in use, damaged, or destructed.
2. Hopess will utilize the Hopess Telephone List that can be found at every desk.
3. As soon as possible, Hopess will post a cellular number on the intranet for all non-Hopess staff to
contact or a Hopess staff member.
Resident Relocation
In the even that residents must be relocated, Hopess will first utilize any available resource that it
currently has. This may include utilizing other Hopess homes. As a last resort HOPESS will utilize other
Sober Living Home resources and create an individualized treatment program that will ensure that all
treatment concerns will continue to be addressed. Hopess will use its property in Phoenix until residents
can find more permanent suitable housing in the event of relocation.
During a disaster or evacuation, BHT and BHPP staff are trained to go to the medication cabinet, if safe,
and remove medications. Medications will be taken to the disaster/evacuation staging area.
During a disaster or evacuation plan the Director of Facilities Management will be notified. If affected and
possible, food may be relocated to one of the units/properties owned by Hopess. The Director of Facilities
Management will ensure that water and food are given to all residents in the event of a disaster or
evacuation. This may come from items immediately purchased at a store less than .5 miles away from the
facility, or from current onsite supplies. The Executive Director and/or other management staff will ensure
on an hourly basis during a disaster or evacuation that residents are hydrated and receive proper nutrition.
Follow-Up Assessment
1. The disaster response team will meet after the disaster recovery process to assess the response.
2. The team will evaluate the effectiveness of the plan by considering the following:
a. Could we limit or avoid damage if a similar disaster struck again?
b. Was the insurance coverage adequate?
c. Do we need to review the plan to minimize future losses?
d. Do we have the information and supplies to deal with the future emergencies of this nature?
e. What aspects of this plan need to be modified
f. What training is necessary for staff?
g. A report of the evaluation will be sent to the CEO.
Hopess – Policy and Procedure Manual