Page 3 - Policies
P. 3


1. Residents will be allowed on/off site visitation when approved to do so by their clinical
    team – including case manager and probation officer if present.

2. There are no passes off site during the first 30 days of treatment.

3. If a resident has less than 30 days of treatment, they may be approved to attend funerals
    for immediate family members only. (Cousins and friends are not included.) Resident
    may not stay overnight.

4. If a relapse happens from any off-site pass, the next visit cannot happen for at
    minimum, another 30 days from the resident’s return to facility.

5. Overnight passes are not permitted.

6. If a resident does not return from a visit within 2 hours of their scheduled return time
    and they have not notified the facility, they will be considered discharged.

7. Resident’s will be able to have access to their phone while on pass. The resident must
    check in 2 times a day while on pass.

8. Resident’s will be permitted to have onsite visitation outside of programming hours and
    once approved by the clinical team.

9. Visitation and passes must be therapeutic in nature. They must have a purpose that will

    help the resident in accomplishing their treatment plan goals. Residents who go on pass
    will be required to have the person they are going on pass with to complete “How did
    the Pass Go?” form and turn it into staff upon the completion of the pass.

10. All visitors and items brought onto the property are subject to search.

11. All visitors who come into the facility, for any reason, must have an ROI form signed
    and placed in the resident’s chart.

12. All visitation must occur in open Milieu Settings only. Visits can never occur in

bedrooms. Visitors are never allowed to see a bedroom without staff being present.


Hopess – Policy and Procedure Manual
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