Page 39 - Policies
P. 39
8. Positive behavior should be reinforced.
9. Progress should be discussed with resident during treatment plan review.
B. Consequences
1. Positive behavior should be recognized, and staff members are encouraged to give positive
feedback to residents as much as possible.
2. If a resident is not following program expectations, the resident may be subject to consequences
such as verbal warnings, written warnings, loss of privileges, or discharge.
3. Residents should be given a verbal warning first, and for a second offense, be given a written
warning. For a third offense, a final warning shall be given to a resident. After the final warning,
a resident can be subject to loss of privileges, such as restriction to leave the facility, etc. At all
times, the consequences should match the resident’s negative behavior.
4. Residents will have an immediate loss of privilege (no warning is necessary) for behaviors such
a. Leaving the facility without notification or sign out;
b. Leaving the facility within the first 30 days of admission or within any time restricted to
c. Lying, stealing, cheating, cursing at others; or
d. Any other behavior that is seen as serious.
5. Residents may be immediately involuntarily discharged for behaviors listed on the discharge
policy such as:
a. Acts of violence or threats of violence;
b. Selling, using, or buying any illegal substances, alcohol, spice, bath salts, or any substances
considered illicit;
c. Continual non-compliance of program rules that results in an observable, negative impact
on other residents or staff members; or
d. The determination by the Treatment Team determines that services are no longer
6. Other reasons for involuntary discharge may be due to a medical condition or if the resident
presents with a high level of psychiatric acuity.
7. Residents who are involuntarily discharged must be provided a written notice of the right to file a
grievance and a copy of the grievance policy and procedure.
8. Once a resident completes the specific intervention given to them, all their rights and privileges are
immediately restored.
HOPESS- Policy and Procedure Manual