Page 38 - Policies
P. 38



HOPESS will use best practices while implementing behavioral management. This policy offers a
guideline to insure both staff and resident safety. In the event of seriously out-of-control or threatening
behavior that is potentially harmful to residents and staff, 911 will be called and actions will be taken to
protect residents and staff.


A. Managing Behaviors

    1. Resident care will be according to individual treatment plans. Treatment plans may be modified at
         any time.

    2. All staff members will document resident behaviors initially to establish a baseline. Behaviors
         will be tracked over time.

    3. Documentation will consist of case management notes, and individual and group therapy notes.

    4. Staff members will provide consistency and stability for residents.

    5. Residents will follow the expectations of the facility according to the Resident Guidelines.

    6. To manage behaviors, staff members will use the following techniques in addition to following a
         resident’s treatment plan:
             a. A resident may be offered a time out, which should consist of:
                     i. an opportunity for resident to remove him/herself from a situation;
                    ii. An opportunity for resident to meditate or implement any calming strategies.
             b. Staff members will use redirection to help calm resident’s or divert from negative
             c. Staff members will strive to recognize personal triggers and avoid transference.
             d. Staff members will avoid blaming residents, talking down to residents, or using
                  unprofessional methods to interact with residents.

    7. Treatment modification may include a plan to respond to negative behaviors that will change the
         behaviors and/or triggers to the behaviors.


HOPESS- Policy and Procedure Manual
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