Page 43 - Policies
P. 43



It is the policy of Hopess to have a plan that provides an alternative means of processing critical
information, provide recovery of information, and return to normal operations as soon as possible
following any scheduled or unscheduled interruption. For the purposes of this plan, a disaster is defined as
any event that produces severe damage or destruction of the facility and which significantly interrupts
critical information. Hopess leaders have identified the following critical information processes for
resident care and business operations (all in electronic format):

           Master resident index
           Current resident medical records
           Closed resident records
           Resident records stored electronically
           Accounting and personnel / payroll records
           Resident financial files
           Telephone communication


Scheduled Interruptions

Scheduled interruptions for electronic system activities are planned and scheduled to provide the least
amount of interruption needed to accomplish any necessary tasks. System users will be advised of the
interruption in advance and will be given an opportunity to save and close any files being used at the time
of the interruption. Staff will be informed of the completion of the system activity as soon as it is complete
so that normal operations may resume.

Disaster Response Team

    1. In the event of a disaster, a disaster response team composed of the following will meet as soon as
         possible following the occurrence of the disaster:
             a. Chief Executive Officer
             b. Executive Director
             c. Program Director
             d. Director of Facilities Management


Hopess – Policy and Procedure Manual
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