Page 27 - HART Annual Report
P. 27

Safe Routes to School

                                                      More than 1,20
                                                      bicycled to scho
                                                      to School (SRTS
                                                      “Where it is saf
                                                      where it is not s

                                                      Wristband Pro
                                                      HART introduce
                                                      incentive this ye
                                                      participate in sp

             “You cannot think well,                  Walk to Breakf
    work well, sleep well, if one has                 “Breakfast is the
                                                      But for some stu
                       not eaten well.”               day is not alway
                                                      Hampton Public
                                      Virginia Woolf  Lunch/Breakfast
                                                      students were t

                                                      Using funds fro
                                                      with Hampton P
                                                      first “walk to br
                                                      November 2015

                                                      By the end of th
                                                      100% of the elig
                                                      attending the b
                                                      their day off wit
                                                      and nutrition ne

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