Page 32 - HART Annual Report
P. 32

ntal Education Program explores
 ween transportation choice and
 ronment. Grade appropriate
ble to teach students about
house Gases, Anti-Idling, and

 s were given at Hunterdon
 pproximately 610 students in

y lessons were introduced this year.

 ents in grades 1-3, this lesson
hat air is, the importance of clean
lutants, and actions that can
y lives to improve air quality.
 ing aloud” of a short book,
 in an interactive game of
nswering questions from the

 Do With It?
s it important? Students in
 ate in a series of activities and
at teach them about some of
erties of air. Students learn
s, effects and sources of air
s actions that can be taken to
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