Page 28 - HART Annual Report
P. 28

0 elementary and middle school students walked or
 ool this year as part of the Hunterdon County Safe Routes
 S) Program.The goal of the SRTS Program is simple:
 fe, get kids walking and bicycling;
 safe, make it safe.”

ed a “Collect All Four” wristband
 ear to encourage students to
pecial “walk to school” events.

 fast Program
 e most important meal of the day.”
 udents, having a nutritious breakfast to start the school
 ys a certainty. Approximately 50% of the students at
 c School are eligible to participate in the National School
 t Program (NSLP). However, just a handful of eligible
taking advantage of the free breakfast program.

om a Sustainable Jersey for Schools grant, HART partnered
 Public School to create a “Walk to Breakfast Program”. The
reakfast” took place in

 he school year,
 gible students were
breakfast and starting
 th both the exercise
 eeded to help them
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